I stand around, waiting on some of my cousins. Some girl is about to go perform. They call her something like.... DeathFall.
I'm really excited.
My cousins finally come back.... but with some blonde guy.
"Hey. I'm Noah" I say.
"Sup? I'm Wilson" the dude says.
Wilson. Wilson. Nice name?
"Yo cuz. This one of your aunt's husband's children's crush." One of my cousins says.
"Well at least it used to be" another says softly.
"Guys. Relationships aren't my things. I always think that I'll turn out as a fuck up. I get the best things and.... Memories of my dad come back and I loose it" I say. It's true. I miss Sarah but I fucked up and gotta live this.
I hope she understands.Sarah
I finally finish and run off stage. I spot Wilson. Fuck! Fuck! Fuckkk! I don't want to go over there. He's talking to Noah! What the freak!!!!! I run faster and faster.
"Wil-" I start yelling but run right into him.
"You ok?" He ask.
I get on my tip toes and kiss him.
When I turn.... I see him starring at me like a deer in a headlight. The guy I was trying to avoid.How it feel to have Noah back? Noah or Wilson? Who do YOU think she should fall in love with? I'm soooo happy!

Destroy Me
RomanceTwo words: adventure. Romance. Sarah hues is living a basic live, trying to find love. When suddenly, a incident happens that changes her life completely. Read more to find out