11."dresses and tuxedos"

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"Ohhhh Noah!" I yelled. "What!??" He yelled. "Guess what time it is" I said. "...." He said nothing. "Time to pick dresses and tuxedos out for the wedding. It's in three days. Officially " I said.
"Fine" he said. "Sasha, Lilly, Beth, and Liam are coming to the wedding also. Dad told me to bring anyone." I said.

We get ready and drive to wedding stores. I pick out a red dress, black rose headband, and high top type wedges.

 I pick out a red dress, black rose headband, and high top type wedges

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I pick out a pair of gold earrings and a rose necklace

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I pick out a pair of gold earrings and a rose necklace.

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Me and Noah separated in the wedding shop

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Me and Noah separated in the wedding shop.
Ha. I'm going back to my home town. I wonder what I'll be thought of. I used to have long hair, braces, and I was a little....popular bitch.
"Ahhh. These are solo cute!" I squeal as I pass a pair of cute shoes.

 These are solo cute!" I squeal as I pass a pair of cute shoes

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I am soooo buying them.
I pass a mirror to see my hair. Shit! My hairs getting longer. I think I'll do my hair in piggy tale braids. 
   I walk to the counter. "Welcome. Hope you found everything ok" the girl at the register says. "I did. Thank you" I said. "This will be $287.93" she said.
  I hand her my card and stand by the door.
Noah comes to me. He's in a black and white tux and a pair of converse.
   "Yassss!" I said.
"Good." He says back and goes to pay for it.
"You looked really..... Sexy" I say as we walk out the door.
"Thanks" he says.
"No. Thank you for coming with me" I said.
"Ha. I actually wanted to meet your family" he says
  "Oh." We laughed as we got in his truck.
   "I'm excited!" I say sarcastically.
  "It will be fine." He assures me.
   "Your so nice. I haven't known you that long and we are already dating" I say. It's surprising.
   "What can I say? I like you" he says.
  "Awww thanks" I say.
"Wanna go out and get a few drinks?" He ask.
   "Sure..." I say
"Let's go" we drive away

Odd relationship

------Odd relationship

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Noah's tuxedo

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