I take Wilson to the spot we used to go as kids/teens. It's an old tree house, out in the middle of no where.
"Keep your eyes closed." I say as I take him toward the tree.
"Ok" he says.
I take one good look at it and say.... "Open." And pull his arms off his eyes.
"Actually-" he grins and pulls me up the latter.
"I wanna show you something" he says.
He stops half way up the latter. "I hope you like it" he jumps off the latter onto a small platform and takes my hand. We walk around the platform as a graze my fingers around the tree in the middle.
When we come to a holt, it's the entrance. But..... It has a door on it. Then, one window on the left and another on the right.
"Wow" I say.
"You like it? Wait till you see the inside" he says as he unlocks the door.
When the door opens, a living room it there. Beyond that is a kitchen. To the left of the kitchen is a wall, stairs, and a door.
I walk to the door under the stairs and open it. It's a lovely bathroom.
I walk up the stairs to find a hall that splits. One door on he left and another on the right.
"I was..... Well-" he stops.
"What?" I ask.
"I was going to ask if you'd marry me before you left. But.... I didn't have courage and the place wasn't ready yet." He says.
"Y-you were g-gonna propose?" I feel so.... I don't even know.
"Thank you. I'm sorry" i say.
"All I need is your idea on paint, furniture and decorations. Even if we don't marry or date.... I want this to be our own place and it always will be. It will be a piece that me and YOU worked on" he says.
"Your so thoughtful." I say and hug him.
"I don't have much time, let's start on this project." I say.
"Good. FYI... You missed the laundry room. It's next to the Front door." He says and points to the ground.
I smile.2 hours later.....
We start painting the walls. We painted the front door a red color, the living room a lavender color, the kitchen a darker lavender, the bathroom a baby blue, the laundry room yellow (just for fun) and all the floors are hardwood. We painted the other doors white.
One we got to the bedrooms, we each decorated ours. He painted his with white and some black designs. I painted mine a coral pink.
We put a two seater dream catcher hanging chair in the living room with a futon. We also put a flat screen TV in the living room. We had a sketch put next to the door and one above the couch.
The kitchen had pretty lights and a kitchen table.
The bathroom had a marbled looking rug and a matching shower curtain.
My room had a judge bed, a bunch of Christmas lights across the ceiling in a zigzag, a hammock on the well, a desk and chair, a nice closet too.
Wilson's room had a futon, a nice closet, a chess table, and jar lights.
In the end, I looked at the sketches in the living room to figure what they were. One said a year, and a name. It was a half naked sketch of me when we were in high school. The other was of me laughing when we were on a date in high school. We were setting under the stars and I was right under the moonlight. That night I wore a pair of red hoops and I had my hair curled with little strand hanging out. I wore a tight pair of jeans and a plaid shirt. It was actually kinda cute.
"This is soooo pretty" I say.
I look out of one of the windows in the kitchen to see a lake. The lake is pretty close.
"I remember when we used to skinny dip in that lake" Wilson says as he comes up from behind me.
I turn around a give him a glare. We both burst out laughing.

Destroy Me
RomanceTwo words: adventure. Romance. Sarah hues is living a basic live, trying to find love. When suddenly, a incident happens that changes her life completely. Read more to find out