Chapter 7 - Honesty

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The next morning I was woken by Harry. I could feel he was watching me sleep. I slowly opened my eyes to see his beaming eyes glaring down at me. “Hello, gorgeous.” He said, while planting small, light kisses all over my face. “How did you sleep?”

“I slept like a baby, especially with you next to me.” I nuzzled into his chest a bit more. “So, what are we going to do on a Sunday?”

“Well I was thinking we could go for a walk into the village, have lunch at the pub, walk back here and leave here about 3ish, so you can get enough sleep ready for your second week at work. Good idea or bad?” He persuaded me to nod, and reassure him it was a good idea by planting sloppy kisses all over my face and neck, which also made me giggle.

“Right, we’d better get some breakfast. All that activity last night has made me hungry.” I winked at Harry, who, childishly tried to start a pillow fight with me, and succeeded. It didn’t last very long before he dragged me into the bathroom, and we had a shower together.

Once we had had a shower, and got dressed, we went down to the kitchen. “So, Soph, would you like to try my famous full-English breakfast?”

“Ooohhh, I like the sound of that!! But no tomato or mushrooms for me, and fried eggs, please.”  I asked him, with a big cheesy grin on my face, he turned to me, grabbed me tightly and kissed the top of my head.

“Anything for you beautiful.” I couldn’t get the stupid grin off my face. Harry just laughed at me. “Would you like a cup of tea?”

“Yes, please!”

He looked at me, “Well, you know where the kettle is, while you’re there, can you make me one?” Cheeky bastard.

I didn’t complain and made him the tea. When he was finished making a pretty hefty full-English for the both of us, we sat in the living room watching T.V. and eating the delicious breakfast. Harry decided to turn on the news. There were the main news bulletins, you know the same old, politicians getting stuff wrong, something happening overseas, and then, we saw William, Catherine, me and Harry, on the T.V. It was footage of us all going into the Millennium Stadium yesterday. They were talking about William and Catherine, then turned their attention to Harry and me. My mouth just fell open. Literally. I was absolutely speechless, the BBC saying I was a nobody, and I have been seen spotted holding a Prince’s hand. Big wop. I knew from this moment on, things were going to change. I wasn’t really even dating Harry yet, and there was still speculation on who I was. Harry turned to me, “Are you sure you still want to do this?”

I took his hand and held it in mine. “I still want to do this, Harry. I really think that I can cope with it. No one will suspect that I am a P.E. teacher. I am like any normal person.”

“But, Soph, what if they do find out? What are you going to do? I have ruined everything for you.” His head dropped. He began to get really upset. “I don’t want you to end up like my mother.”

“Harry, listen to me. If they find out, so what? I don’t care what other people think about me. I only care about what you think about me. You haven’t ruined anything for me. I have a strong man next to me that can help me, William and Catherine will help me too. I will not end up like your mother. I have you.” I lifted his head with my free hand and kissed him. He was reassured by this kiss. I whispered in his ear, “I will be fine. As long as you promise to stay with me.”

“I promise I will never leave you.” Harry whispered back to me. We put our empty plates down onto the coffee table, I shifted towards Harry, who was lying on the sofa, climbed on top of him, and for the next three hours, we just sat there, whispering into each other’s ears, watching T.V. and having a laugh. I cherished every moment with Harry, constantly reminding myself how lucky I am that I have him. Not the Harry that the world knows, not the party-loving Harry, but the affectionate Harry, the caring Harry.

After the nice relaxing morning doing absolutely nothing, Harry kept to his word, took me for a walk and we had a really nice pub lunch. Harry was so romantic, holding my hands under the table and leaning over the table to kiss me. There were some people staring at us, but to hell with it, we didn’t care. Before we knew it, it was time to go home. We strolled back to the house and I started to pack. “Thank you for a great weekend, Harry.” I smiled at him, and hugged him. I was really; genuinely grateful for what Harry had done for me this weekend. He helped me pack and didn’t leave my side until I was ready to go. I honestly didn’t want to leave. That meant I had to go back to reality. Back to work.

The car journey home was quiet. We spoke for a while, but before I knew it I fell asleep. I still had my hand on Harry’s knee the whole way, despite being asleep. It was just after 6 when we got home. Harry gently woke me up and guided me into my flat. He dumped the bags at the door and pulled me in tight for a prolonged hug. He didn’t want to leave me tonight. I knew it. “Babe, I know you want to stay, but you are going back to work tomorrow, and so am I.”

“I know, but I don’t think I can cope without you for another week.” He gave me the biggest puppy-dog eyes in the world. Inside my heart was melting, but I knew that I had to stand my ground.

“Babe, you are going to have to. I have some important things going on a work this week, and you probably do too. Now go home and relax for a couple of day without me. Please?”

“I know you do, but can I stay with you for one more night. Please?”

“No. Now you have to go. I’m getting an early night, please Harry, for me?” Now I was giving him the puppy-dog eyes. This time he gave in.

“Alright, I’ll go, but I will text you every time I get a second.”

“Fine, I’ll see you next weekend?”

“Yeh.” He pulled me in tight for a kiss. The kiss was full of passion and I didn’t want it to finish, but I knew had to. It then dawned upon me that this would be the last time I would see him for just under a week. “Soph?” He broke my thoughts again.

“What?” I replied and smiled at him.

“I love you.” My heart skipped a beat. Did I just hear that right? My smile and eyes widened. These were the three words I have wanted to hear all of my life. I pulled him in for a hug and whispered into his ear,

“I love you too.” He returned the hug, gave me a quick kiss and left the flat.

Was I ready for this? Was he ready for this? I don’t know.

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