Isacc Lahey- Idiot

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   You were currently walking down the hall with Lydia and Allison by your side. You guys were talking about anything and everything...but the anything and everything you were thinking about was Isaac.

  "Y/n! Earth to y/n!?" Allison said waving a hand in front of your face as you stopped at Lydia's locker.

"Sorry what?" You said snapping yourself out of your daze.

"The double date me and Al have tonight? There one friend thought you were cute and wanted you to come" Lydia said shoving her books into her locker.

You peered down the hall spying on him. He doesn't even think of you like that y/n, you thought to yourself. You can't just sit around all the time thinking of a guy who doesn't even think about you.

"Sure I'll go!" You said smiling at your friends.

"Seriously?" Alison asked shocked.

"Why not...I have nothing stopping me" you said peering down at the spot Isaac once stood.

   After school, five hours and several bad rounds of bowling later you lazily walked into your house. If you would have known what an air head your date was going to be you would have picked stuffing your head into a dishwasher instead.

You walked up stairs, unbuttoning your blouse each step of the way. You opened the door of your room and threw your purse on your bed. You kicked off your skirt and let your Blouse fall to the floor. You untied your hair letting it fall loosely on your shoulders.

You walked over to your window, the crisp fall air hitting your exposed didn't last long when your back become warm.

You gasped and spun around coming face to face with Isaac.

"Isaac!? What are you doing here!" You questioned as your chest was pressed to his.

"How was your date?" He said his eyes looking down and piercing into yours.

"What? How do you know I was on a date...and why would you care?" You said walking over and throwing a robe on becoming aware of your exposed skin.

"Who was he huh?" He said stepping closer again.

"Isaac what's gotten into you?" You said furrowing your brows.

"Is he your boyfriend? Did you sleep with him? Please tell me you didn't?" Isaac said grabbing your forearm.

"Excuse me!" You said snagging your arm away.


"Isaac...why are you here?" You said sitting down on the edge of your bed motioning for him to sit beside you.

" I can't tell you"

"And whys that?" You said turning to your side to look at him.

He looked tired...sad.

"Isaac. Look at me." You said leaning forward to see his eyes.

He turned and starred into your eyes. The way his orbs glared at you caused shivers to run down your spine.

"What's wrong?" You said putting your hand on his. A small action your couldn't resist doing even though he would never know your feelings.

  Isaac looked at your hand resting upon his.
"You have no idea what you do to me y/n"

Your heart stopped... "w-what" you stuttered out.

"Y/n you can look at any guy on the earth and they loose breath for a minute. The way your hair so effortlessly falls down your back, or how when somebody needs help you drop everything to make sure there okay. You are so god damn perfect and you have no idea. I watch you and have been I love with you for years now and you clearly have no idea...your probably thinking I'm out of my mind right now but y/n  y/l/n...I love you" Isaac said standing up running his hands through his hair.

"I- I-yo-wel-.." you tried to form a sentence but couldn't.

"Oh god, I just confessed my feelings to one of my best friends and the most beautiful girls ever and she's so disgusted she can't even speak...I'm such and idiot I'm sorry y/n I can't believe I did tha-" you got up and slammed your lips into him.

You know how in movies they say when you know it's true you feeling fireworks...I was feeling more than fireworks.

You pulled away taking a needed breath.

"Wait does this mean you like me?" He said nervous and confused.

"Come here you idiot" you said pulling him back for more.

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