SAD/ Stiles stlinski- I will always love you.

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The sound of my blood hitting the cold wet snow slicked pavement. The glass jabbing into my arm which was now my only support apart from the thin piece of leather holding me upside down in my seat cutting into my collar bones slicing through my skin like a butter knife.


This powerful emotion can cause pretty extreme side effects, one of them being how I am merely a hand away from death and the only thing in my my mind is how you look when you sing your favourite song, or how your lips turn into a dazzling smile when I call you to make sure you've had a good day.

You are my favourite hello and my hardest goodbye. I can't let this be my last goodbye. Everything in my body is telling me to crawl out of the wreck and fight to live.

But, how am I suppose to live when my only reason for life is lying dead beside me buckled into the flipped over carseat beside me. Your smile has faded and your favourite song has now turned into a sickening sweet melody playing into my memories.

My throughly has nearly closed over from all the crying and screaming I have been doing. My body is bruised and Bloody.

"S-sti-stiles" My horse voice croaked out. "I will always love you"


The police sirens and ambulance in the distance sent shivers down my Spine knowing why they were on there way.

"Y/n" my all to familiar favourite voice spoke out. I snapped my head to look at the still unconscious Stiles still hanging upside down.

All the blood rushing to my head I can't think straight.

"Y/n love" there it is again, that voice. All though this time it was right in front of me.

There he stood. Except it wasn't him, he was there but not as a human but a run of my memory walking towards me. This was it. This was the world telling me that I need to push and get out of this mess...that's what he would want.

I undid my seat belt falling out onto the glass
Underneath me, I crawled out the window onto the snow.

Just as I got out the police and ambulance showed up .

"Hey! Over here!" I said waving .

Everyone rushed out of the cars and vans. That's when I realized. As the sea of police and ambulance drives rushed over, I didn't feel the impact of the glass...I didn't have a scratch on me, the snow wasn't cold. I walked over and peered into the car. Nobody noticing me.

There layed my unconscious body torn to hell.

"I'm dead" I whispered.

"THE BOY HAS A PULSE!" The elder man yelled.

"He's gonna live... I love you Stiles" .... "forever"

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