Isacc lahey -the punk part 2

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You don't remember getting in your bed last night, all you remember was the everlasting feelings of eternal warmth flooding threw you.

Yeah that's kinda dramatic...

You couldn't put the pieces together, you remember walking home from the coffee shop... and then everything is blank. You thought maybe it was one of those black out things you read about once in a book where it's like your asleep but you still walk around and live your daily life.

You got out of bed every part of your body burning, you walked up to your mirror and gasped, your hair was a tangled mess, you had blood on the side of your cheek, your beauty white dress was torn apart....what happened..?

Then it hit you....the last person you saw last night was the mysterious coffee boy himself... You looked at the clock, 6:00pm. Perfect! He usually goes around 7:00 to grab his coffee. You ran around like a maniac trying to clean yourself up, you didn't really all you did was throw on a pair of running shoes and a jacket. You knew you looked crazy running down the streets of beacon hills with a bloody face and legs and a torn up dress and hair looking like Tarzan. But you had so many questions going threw your mind the stares and awkward looks didn't faze you.

You stood around the corner of the building waiting for him to walk up, after what seems like forever he appeared out of thin air. He walked in the door you know this was it, no backing out now. A few minutes later he returned.

He walked back towards the forest entrance. You followed keeping a good distance from him . It was dark the forest floor was barley visible from the fog that had swept over in the past few minutes. You hugged your jacket tighter to your chest. Just as you thought he would do somthing to give you answers your foot hit a branch causing a loud snap to echo threw the forest. In a quick motion you threw yourself behind a tree, your chest rising slowly trying to control your breathing.

After a few seconds you got enough courage to look around the corner...but he was gone.

Gone where!? You walked into the middle of the forest floor. He was nowhere in sight.

"You know it's rude to follow people" you jumped causing you to stumble back only to be caught by a warm pair of hands. The same warmth radiating threw you once again. But the feeling was soon replaced with uneasiness, you backed away.

"Look- I -I am probably going to sound crazy but.....if you have any part in why I don't know what happened last night please tell me..." you said your voice shaking a bit as you spoke.

Silence, it was so quite you could hear the grass growing.

"Close your eyes" he spoke

"Umm excuse me if this is the part where you kill me I'm not that dumb" you said cocking and eyebrow.

"Trust me if I wanted you dead you would be" he said puffing out his chest.

Shivers ran down your spine, you closed your eyes. The feeling is uneasiness returned.

"Don't open them until I say so" he spoke

A minute past and a low growl could be heard in front of sounded so familiar.

" your eyes"

Your eyes opened, you kept them growled level slowly looking up. So many ideas were running threw your mind but this was not any of them.

Standing in front of you was a wearwolf. With stunning yellow eyes and sharp teeth.

"Werewolf..." you spoke in a whisper.

"Werewolf...." he said in a growl, in a swift moment his eyes shifted back and his body was normal again.

" I'm still very so many ways.." you said shaking your head.

" is that so vanilla?" The moment those words left his mouth it was like someone had turned on a light in a pitch black room and now you could see again. You remembered everything from the coffee spill on your dress to him calling you vanilla, or even when you were walking home and were attacked...only to be saved by....

" saved me last night" you said

"I did"

"But ...but how did you take my memory's" you said confused again

"You really are a curious one aren't you vanilla?" He said laughing and taking a step forward. " I have my ways vanilla"

" well I found out that the random stranger that I've had a crush on for over a year is a supernatural creature and saved me from almost getting killed last night...." you breathed out.

"You've has a crush on me..." he spoke taking more steps forward. You realized what you had said a blush taking over your cheeks.

"I-uhhhh" You said looking at the ground.

" Hey vanilla....I don't actually like coffee" he said looking down at you smirking. You scrunched your forehead.

"Then why did you come everyday-"

" so I could see the beautiful girl who sits under the window everyday with a different book and doesn't let the world affect her" he said brushing the piece of hair that had fallen onto your face behind your ear....


"Kiss me" you couldn't tell if you wanted that to come out as demanding as you wanted to but his eyes seemed to grown darker and he leaned in so fast you hadn't realized his lips were on yours.

You moved you're lips against his , you pushed your chest to his grabbing his shirt in your hand.

"Vanilla about instead of coffee, I take you somewhere I like?"

"I'd like that.."

He grabbed your hand pulling you threw the forest.

"Wait! I don't even know your name!?" You said in shock realizing.

" I'm Isaac"

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