Chapter 1

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Viktoria's dress above.

There were quite a few perks to being the daughter of two of the most badass guardians to ever walk the planet, protecting Moroi was in my genes and I did it well. However there were a few downfalls (Besides the obvious science experiment vibe I gave off seeing as it was next to impossible for two Dhampirs to conceive) I was currently in the midst of one of those downfalls.

To be fair no one had forced me to come to this particular dinner party. I was doing this as a favor to my good friend Prince James Andre Dragomir-Ozera. Yeah it was a bit of a mouthful but he could hardly help it that royals had such fancy names. This wasn't my first time at a royal dinner party, Dhampir or not when your mother was best friends with the Moroi queen it was hard to avoid events like these. And I really liked avoiding them.

I recalled just how I had gotten roped into this event.

"Come on Viktoria please," begged James. James and I had grown up together and that kind of proxomity when we were younger had turned us into a best friends of sorts, he still had his Moroi and I had my Dhampirs but I still prefered his company over anyone elses. Even if I wouldn't admit it.

"Why can't you just go with Rhea?" I whined. Rhea was James's twin sister and was also obligated to go to these events which was why they normally ended up just going together instead of bringing dates. Even royal Moroi had some sence of what was considered a fun date night.

"She's going with Peter Zecklos," I scrunched up my face at Peter's name, he was a dick but he and Rhea had started dating at the beginning of the summer.

"There has to be someone else you can drag with you. What about Lena Badica or Eliza Conta?" Tonight was Court's annual end of summer ball that was exclusively for the most elite royal Moroi...and their dates who were often other elite royal Moroi, not Dhmapirs.

"I waited to long to ask and now everyones already got a date. Your my only hope of not looking like a fool tonight,"

I sighed "Fine, but you owe me,"

"Ah yes your amazing, thank you! I'll pick you up at seven,"

And that was how I ended up the only Dhampir at a royal ball. I always hated these functions and was thankful I rarely got dragged to them but some nights were exceptions.

"Your quiet tonight," I remarked as James and I stood off in a far corner of the room "Are these royal sucking the life out of you as much as they are me?"

James simply grunted and nodded his head. I sighed and hit him on the arm causing him to wince. Oops, sometimes I forgot that Moroi weren't built to take hits from Dhampirs even if they were playful.

"Come on, I thought for sure a vamp joke would brighten you up," 

He still only nodded his head and wouldn't meet my eyes.

"How's Spirit been?" I wondered if that could be what was making him so distant. Spirit was the rarest type of magic a Moroi could yield-it was also the most dangerous one seeing as it held the potential to drive you insane. James had inherited it from his mom and had started to struggle with it when we were fourteen. I remember walking into his room to find him shaking and his wrists covered in blood. It hadn't helped that that had been the same year that-

"I stopped taking my anti-depressants last week," He said it as if it were so casual. It was not. About two years ago his Spirit abilities had started and the depression that came with it had latched on to him, the solution had been anti-depressants which cut him off from Spirit but more important insanity. He claimed losing Spirit had been worse but I couldn't believe that.

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