Short story: Rose and Dimitri the night of the radical attack

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Hello! I know it's been a while and unfortunately this is not technically an update. I've been having lots of writers block and school has just been really stressful lately so it's been hard to find time to write the next chapter. In the meantime enjoy this little short story I managed to whip up!

"I feel bad about taking the night off," said Rose. She and Dimitri we're sitting in their living room. Him with a book and her lazily flipping through channels.

"Vika is seventeen. She doesn't want her parents at the parties she goes to,"

Rose scoffed "It a Royal Moroi ball that James dragged her to. I'd hardly call that her scene,"

Dimitri laughed "True but-" he was cut off by the sound of the phone ringing.

Rose lulled her head to the side exasperatedly "I'll get it," she said getting up from the couch. Dimitri watched as Rose's face fell as she read the number on the screen "It's Hans,"

Rose pressed the speaker and pick up button and immediately Hans's voice flooded through the receiver with a slight twinge of panic or sadness or urgency or something undetectable.

"Hathaway? Belikov?" Although Rose had taken Dimitri's last name when they were married, for efficiency purpose's they still referred to her as Hathaway on the field.

"We're both here," confirmed Dimitri moving to stand closer to the phone.

"There's been another radical attack-"

Immediately the two were launched into Guardian mode.

"Is Lissa alright? What about the rest of the royal family?" There hadn't been a radical attack in years and the last one had resulted in the death of Astoria. Needless to say both of them were filled with a sense of dread.

"Her majesty and the rest of the royal family is fine.'s Viktoria,"

It was like the world started to move in slow motion, just slow enough to drag out every painful agonizing second. Rose's eyes began to flood with tears as she thought about what he was saying "What?" was all she could manage as the words too terrible to comprehend replayed in her brain. It's Viktoria. It's Viktoria. It's Viktoria.

"Is she okay? What's happened?" Dimitri pressed when he felt Hans was taking too long despite it only being a half a seconds hesitation before he answered.

"We aren't sure,"

"What do you mean you aren't sure?" Rose was shouting now as she tried to think about the worst possible thing that could ever happen. She could remember how much of a wreck Lissa had been when Astoria had died, how she couldn't even been able to put into words the pain she felt at losing her youngest child. Rose has thought that she would never really have to know that much pain but as the seconds ticked by she began to wonder if she would be faced with the same ugly reality Lissa had.

"I mean she's alive," Rose and Dimitri both exhaled in relief but were still on there toes worrying about what he would say next "But she really shouldn't be,"

"What the hell does that mean?" Shouted Rose.

"She lost too much blood and the bullet went through her heart. It's impossible,"

Realisation suddenly dawned on the both of them "Was the Queen with her when it happened?" Asked Dimitri.

"No," Said Hans slowly "James was. She stepped in front of the bullet,"

"Where's James now?" Asked Dimitri going through every fact to see if his crazy theories might just be true.

"He fainted,"

"Where's Lissa?" Rose asked "Is she with them?"

"The Queen and the rest of the royal family have been moved to a secure location,"

"What about Vika? Where is she?"

"She's at the court hospital obviously,"

"We'll be there in ten minute," Dimitri hung up the phone and turned to Rose "She's shadowkissed is she?"

Rose nodded gripping the counter.

"This means she and James are bonded,"

Another nod.

Dimitri sighed in desperation "What are we going to do?"

Rose wiped a few of the tears from the base of her eye "We'll figure it out. It won't be easy but we'll figure it out,"

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