Chapter 7

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November couldn't have crawled by any slower. Maybe the reason for that was because James had been completely avoiding me.

For the first two weeks of November I was in strict detention so I really didn't notice until I actually had the free will to dictate my own free time, free time that I would have liked to spend with James. But it seemed he did not reciprocate that.

It wasn't just him trying not to talk to me-it was him avoiding me at all costs. In his little conversation with Rhea she had revealed he had been using compulsion on me whenever I brought up the subject of his love life, I had noticed the one time on the plane but other than that he had completed done it without my knowledge. I knew for a fact he and not compelled me recently because I hadn't even gotten close enough for him to compel me, but that hasn't stopped him from compelling other people to keep me away from him.

His walls were so strong now that the only time I ever got pulled into his head were when he was having nightmares-which was becoming increasingly often the more he used Spirit.

I was so worried about him. The bond had made me protective of him and I was miserable with no way to check in on him. I could barely even read his emotions anymore.

This was it. He couldn't avoid me any longer, I thought, sooner or later he's going to have to face me.

Today we were flying back to court for thanksgiving break and there was no way I was letting him ignore me for this whole flight.

Being the child of a queen (and the queens best friend) had some major perks, like private jets. The royal private jet was the only plane I'd ever actually been on but when you got plenty of legs pace and cushioned seats I didn't feel like I was missing out. Every plane ride I'd ever had I had been sitting next to James and I did not intend for today to be any different.

James was in his seat looking down at a book I knew he wasn't actually reading. There were plenty of other seats available that I knew he wanted me to take but I instead went against his wishes and sat directly across from him.

He glance up nervously for a second but quickly diverted his gaze. I felt a little bad for trapping him but I wasn't going to let him walk out on me so easily.


"It's okay you know. You don't have to act like nothing's changed," he said barely looking up from his book to afraid to see what he would find in my eyes.

"And you don't have to keep on ignoring me,"

"Viktoria you don't understand-"

"I think I do understand. I understand that you're taking the cowards way out and running away from me instead of just talking or me," I said cutting him off.

"That's not it, well maybe it's part of it. You don't get it Viktoria," he glanced around to make sure Rhea or any guardians weren't sitting near us "You don't know just how far gone I am. That kiss-I've wanted it for so long but you don't love me like that,"

I thought back to the way that kiss had made my every nerve feel alive "And now you're going to pretend like I don't exist just so you don't have to feel rejected?" I didn't have to say how ironic it was considering I was now technically the one rejected.

"I wasn't going to keep ignoring you forever,"

"It's been one month James," I said knowing that my voice sounded desperate and frantic. I was vaguely aware of Spirits dark presence in the back of my mind "Do you have any idea what that's been like for me? Your my best friend, it was torture knowing you didn't want to talk to me,"

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