Chapter 5

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September and most of October passed by quickly and with no trouble, or as little trouble as you could expect when you were bonded to someone. There were the nightmares that had slowly begun to fade but still happened at least twice a week instead of every night though. There were also times when I got sucked into his head during waking hours but that thankfully hadn't happened at any moments that were to inconveniencing. He was also thankfully refraining from Spirit use which stopped the darkness from closing in on either of us but it also meant he didn't get to feel the rush it gave him.

You would have thought that being bonded meant we didn't feel the need to spend more time together but it only made me feel like I needed to be closer to him at all times. He was my responsibility now. The only times we weren't together was during class. We had some classes together like History and English but our differing Dhampir and Moroi classes meant our schedules weren't always aligned.

Like right now. I had somehow committed his schedule to memory and knew that he was in Geometry right now while I was in strength building which was my second favorite class next to hand in hand combat. I remember looking at the giant obstacle course that the juniors and seniors got to use when I was in middle school and not being able to wait until I could use it for myself. I had quickly mastered the course and was able to nimbly navigate it with ease.

I was climbing the ropes with ease and swung myself up into the flat laying bars that must have been twenty feet in the air, a fall like that was dangerous and when we had first used it there had been cushioning to prevent injury but that had been removed this year. I hadn't fallen on the course before so I had no reason to worry when they removed it. Or so I had thought.

I must have been halfway across when I felt a now familiar lurching sensation that pulled me into James's mine.

Damnit, why was this test so hard? I studied for it with Rhea for hours last night. It should have been easy.

The test had started ten minutes ago and I was only on the second problem. Did we ever even learn this? I was so going to fail, I-

I was snapped out of his head when I felt my foot slipping through the bars and me falling through the air. I could barely comprehend what was happened until I felt myself slam into the hard pavement and a sickening crack fill the air. I screamed out in pain and a few words fell out of my mouth that could definitely get me detention.

I was vaguely aware of the fact that everything around me had stopped and the sound of footsteps running towards my side. I looked up to see Guardian Floyde who was one of the instructor's; he was looming over me and calling out a few words that I couldn't quite hear over the ringing in my ears. The pain in my entire body was blinding and I was reminded of the night of the radical attack. How all I could focus on was the pain and James's face above mine so full of concern. Guardian Floyde's face was hardly as loving as James's but the worry on his face was evident and I was vaguely aware of his arms picking me up before I blacked out.

When I woke up the first thing I was aware of was that this time I was in a hospital though I couldn't feel any pain. Damn I must really be hopped up on pain meds. I was also aware of my drastically low mood, like there was a storm cloud over my head. This only confirmed my theory that I was definitely on some heavy pain meds, however I didn't feel disorientated or anything else that I would have expected.

I pulled myself up into a sitting position I blinked my eyes awake to see Dr. Olendski standing at the foot of my bed.

"You're awake," She said cheerily.

"Very well spotted," I snapped sarcastically.

Dr. Olendski frowned but didn't say anything about my attitude "How are you feeling?"

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