The end. (Chapter 19)

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I wake up to the sun shining through my window. I get up and wash my face, then I get dressed. I have a photo shoot in 30 minutes, so I get dressed and go. I get in the car and zoom down the street. I turn on the radio and crank it up high. I sing along to the music.

I pull up to the building and run in.

"DD!!!" Lux screams running into my arms.

"Hey baby. How's my little princess doing?"


"Great. Hey where's mommy?" I ask. She points to the room and I walk in.

"Demi!"I screamed.

"Destiny!" She screams back while hugging me.

"We're doing a photo shoot together?"


"Are you serious? This is great!"

"I know right!"

3 hours later...

I get home and park the car in the garage and go in the house to hear the kids yelling and screaming and the house is in flames! I grab a towel and try to put it out but it kept getting bigger, I start choking and I suddenly black out!

Harry's POV;

 Destiny blacks out right when the fire rescue comes. I try to find her but they told me to get out. they bring the stretcher in and try to find her while I get taken to the hospital in a stupid ambulance. I didn't wanna leave her!

When I get to the hospital, they bring in Deeds and trust me when I say she looked lifeless. I jumped off the stretcher and ran after them.

"She has no resonse we need to get her hooked up to the monitors now!!" The parametic said rushing her into a room. I followed in there but they said I had to stay out. I punch the nearest wall. I hear the word "CLEAR!" and I look through the window and they are trying to bring her back. He looks at me crying. And I just loose it. I banhg on the door yelling 'let me in!' They let me in and I run to her bedside. She's gone. 

"Daddy?" I hear. I look down and see Darcy.

"Is mommy gonna be ok?" She asked holding her hand.

"Darcy. Listen babygirl, mommy is in a better place, the angels took her home."

"What? No. Mommy please come back! Don't go!" She screams.

~The End~

I cried while doing the last part. the song I used is forever and always by parachute.

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