My sister is back in my life. (Chapter 4)

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  "Yes yes yes" I said hugging him

"Do you love me?" he asked

"Of course I do" I said laughing

"Ok then kiss me one more time" he said laughing.

I didn't even notice that crying until harry wiped the tear away with his thumb I put my hand behind his neck and kissed him.

The kiss was full of passion he pulled out of the kiss and whispered "I Love You" which sent chills down my spine and that made me cling on to his neck he laughed.

"what?" I asked.

"nothing" he replied back.

I got up with a worried look on my face "whats wrong babe?" he asked.

 "babe what time is it?" I replied

 "I don't know let me check."


  "um its 12:30"

"um we have been in here since 11:30."

"oh shit"harry said

"c'mon lets go" i said giggling.

So we get our bags and go to the entrance of the beach until I pulled harry back "harry I cant go in" I said scared

"why?" he asked worried

"um, um, I just cant" I said running back to the van.

harry ran after me "babe why cant you go in?"

"I got abused harry do you wanna see what they do to me, what they leave on me? I'm scarred for life nothing or nobody can change it!" I said yelling.

"fine" he said walking away.

"harry! don't walk away please." i said crying.

I caught up to him and grabbed his arm

Harry's pov;

"DON'T look back, dont look back, don't look back." I said to myself in my head.

I didn't listen to myself her voice was like an angel when she crys "please dont go, I didn't mean it I swear.

I couldn't  stand it anymore i turned around and kissed her just to make her 'SHUT UP'.

"what was that for?" she asked.

  "Cuz I Love You." I said laughing

 "Do you want to see what they left on me?" she asked

"yeah." i said kinda scared

"ok." she said lifting her shirt

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I said

Destiny's pov;

"HOLY SHIT!!!" harry said

"yeah thats why I don't go to the beach when there is alot of people there."

"well just pretend that they're not there. And its just me, you, and the boys. Ok?" he asked

"No I want to pretend thats its just you and me." I said

"ok" he said laughing

"well lets go" I said grabbing his hand.

We walked to the entrance I took a deep breath in and walked in then and there I saw my sister with her boyfriend Justin Bieber. 

I released Harry's hand from mine and ran to hug her. She turned around and her eyes scanned my body "wow destiny you've changed so much, last time I saw you you were just a overweight little BITCH" she said laughing at the comment.

Justin just bursted out laughing I slapped him in the arm but it was more like a punch "OW!" he said.

Then I whispered in katrina's ear "I guess I still am that little bitch after-all." Then I walked away.

"Babe come here." Harry said so I walked over and asked "babe you wanna go in the water?"

"sure." he said taking my hand and running

"Harry hold on I need to get my bathing suit on."

"ok i'll be in the water." he said pulling his shirt off.

4 minutes later I got out of the restroom and harry was waiting for me outside I was in my towel with my hair in a messy bun "hey beautiful." he said smiling and showing his dimples.

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