1) Villager always shows off the fact that he's mixed with Egyptian because most people are like wOAH I THOUGHT EGYPTIANS WERE EXTINCT-
2) Megaman basically worships Samus
3) Ness attempts to prank Villager by cutting his hair, but Villa always wakes up before he can and beats his ass (AGAIN IDGAF HE HAS AN AFRO)
4) The alts for villa have names
Pink alt: Anya
Black and yellow stripe alt: Billy
Purple shirt alt: Vincent
Dark green dress alt: Rémi
Blue stripe alt: Ceaser
Ness stripe alt (sorrynotsorry): Amy
Turnip green dress alt: Olivia
Original alt: Tyler5) the villager with yellow and blue stripes a.k.a Amy is a Ness fangirl and Lucas hates her--
6) Toon Link is the second tallest after Rocky Road Ice Cream a.k.a Megaman
7) Lucas is not only shirt af, but he's also very skinny and lanky
8) Ness has an irrational fear of bunnies
9) Villager's favourite animal ia the Orca
10) Villager hates sea world
11) all the villains in smash all mutually agreed to discriminate against edgy pit
13) Palutena can mind read so she totally bullies everyone
14) Lucas is pretty into fashion and sketching, he designs from time to time and rOCKS WHATEVER HE WEARS #queen #noflaws #yass
15) Megaman has to watcg Villager and his chemistry set whenever he's using it now because Villa once made a bomb and attempted to use it one Pittoo because he was talking shit
16) Villager likes hip hop, Lucas likes J-pop and vocaloid, Ness totally listens to OMFG and The Fat Rat, Toon Link likes Classical because he's a nerd and Megaman likes instrumental
17) speaking of designing, the females once stole- I mean borrowed Lucas' sketchpad and looked at all his designs (mainly females) and now they all want to wear the stuff he draws
18) I need to stop