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the song is 'Someone To Stay' by Vancouver Sleep Clinic.


A few hours later Tyler was woken by Mark aggressively hitting him with a pillow. Tyler jumped up, sitting up and panicking.

"What?! What happened? What's wrong?"

"You're a real piece of work Tyler Joseph." Mark snapped, his eyes frantic and hair a mess, obviously from just jumping out of bed himself.

"What did I do?" Tyler asked still half asleep and utterly confused.

Mark continued to smack him with the pillow. "You didn't tell Josh the truth!" Mark almost shrieked.

"Stop hitting me!" Tyler snapped back, grabbing Mark's pillow before it could hurt him again. He shoved Mark off him and flopped back down into bed, pulling the sheets up over his head.

"You better fix this!" Mark said loudly to make sure Tyler could hear him through the duvet he was currently hiding under.

"I met the guy yesterday!" Came Tyler's muffled response, sounding tired and pissed off.

This was the wrong response for Mark, however as he rudely ripped the duvet off his best friend and threw it across the room with a soft thump. Tyler looked at Mark like a cat who'd just had its tail stepped on.

"I only met him yesterday." Mark mimicked patronisingly.

"Why do you care so much?" Tyler snapped trying to get up and retrieve his duvet, Mark shoved him back on the bed.

"Goddammit Tyler would you stop being a stubborn ass for five minutes? Believe it or not I'm trying to help you!" Mark snapped and Tyler huffed. Pouting and turning over in the bed to sulk, arms folded and legs tucked up to hide the fact he was cold without his bedsheets.

"Look," Mark said again, a lot calmer. He sighed before sitting at the end of Tyler's bed. "Josh seems like an amazing guy and if how giddy and lovesick you were when you got home last night is any indicator of your feelings I know you agree. He's your soulmate Tyler, and you know what, you deserve to find him, you deserve this so much. I can't think of a better match for you and I'm so happy you found him but..." Mark hesitated, waiting for Tyler to give an indication he was listening. Cautiously Tyler peaked over his shoulder at his best friend, still trying to feign ignorance. Mark took a deep breath and put a reassuring hand onto Tyler's arm. "If you don't get out of that stupid head of yours you're gonna lose him."

Tyler went to protest but instead he found his hands covering his eyes as he fought to hold back tears he didn't fully understand the reasoning behind.

Mark squeezed his arm. "It's gonna be okay."

"No it's not." Tyler mumbled into his palms, unable to stop the next flow of words out of his mouth. Telling Mark how he was scared it was too late or that Josh wasn't his or wouldn't want to be either. Mark listened intently, brow furrowed.

"Listen I'm ninety percent sure that Josh would not reject you or anything of the sort. The guy looked at you like you were the moon, the stars and the universe all rolled into one when I left you two last night. But if you really need answers then you have to ask the questions dude. You have to tell him who you really are."

"I know." Tyler sighed into his hands, sniffing hard. Defeated, he rubbed his face and reached for his phone.

He was confused when he saw he had unread texts.

(2) new messages


Just checking this is actually your number.
Would be awkward if it isn't.
- Josh.

Tyler felt butterflies' wings in his chest fan heat up to his cheeks as he remembered Josh casually asking for his number when he'd dropped Tyler home.

With a giddy smile, he went to reply, going so far as to type out;

Yeah, this is Tyler

He froze with his thumb over the send button before realising he was about to make an idiot out of himself. He quickly erased it, swallowing hard and distracting himself by saving Josh's number to his contacts.

After a moment to stop shaking he typed out a different reply and sent it before his brain could overthink that too.

Unfortunately for you, this is the right number.

Looking up as it delivered, Tyler noticed that Mark was still sat on his bed, staring him down.

"Did you do it?!" Mark asked a little surprised. He reached for his phone but Tyler snatched it away, shaking his head.

"It's not exactly something I want to say by text." Tyler said weakly and Mark gave him a sympathetic smile.

Tyler was quick to reassure him though. "I'll ask him to hang out and I'll tell him okay." He said, before rolling over and yanking Mark's duvet off his bed as it was closer.

Mark rolled his eyes, but got up, he dumped Tyler's duvet on top of him too, swallowing the brunette up is white sheets.

"Extra toasty?" Mark asked and Tyler poked his head out of the mass of duvet to smile toothily.

"Like a marshmallow at a campfire." He grinned and Mark rolled his eyes but smiled and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Tyler was startled by the muffled sound of his phone and he had to dig through the sheets to find it, letting out a little huff of victory as his fingers pulled it out. He opened the waiting text.


Dang it. Here I was hoping it was fake.

Tyler bit his lip and tried not to laugh. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and was about to type a reply when another text came through.


My band is playing another gig tonight you're more than welcome to come, maybe bring friends? We could do with the numbers.

Tyler thought about it for a second, figuring that it wasn't exactly the calm coffee shop environment he was going for but that at least Josh would be able to make some kind of excuse to leave should he decide he did hate Tyler and never want to see him again. Hesitantly he typed out a reply.

sure. count me in. when and where?

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