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the song is 'Isombard' by Declan McKenna.


When Tyler got to the bar just off-campus it was already gathering quite a decent crowd. From Josh's message, he had assumed not many people would turn up, so to see the volume of people filling out the space in front of the stage made him feel a little self-conscious.

Josh was kinda way too cool for him, when he really thought about it. He was hot, sweet, actually enjoying his major, he was understandably popular as a result but now Tyler was realising, Josh was in a band that people actually knew about (on campus at least) Josh was kinda a big deal. Tyler crumpled in on himself as the flicker of hope Josh wouldn't be disgusted by the concept of being lumped with him burned out.

"Hey, you made it." Josh's excited voice pulled Tyler out of his thoughts as his heart skipped.

"Of course." Tyler smiled shyly, the two stared at one another fondly for a second before a cough interrupted them.

"This is Michael." Mark spoke up from beside them, gesturing to the big jock behind him. Josh finally looked up from Tyler to introduce himself shaking Michael's hand.

Michael's eyebrows practically disappeared into his hairline as he caught on to Josh's name, gaze flickering between Josh and Tyler.

Tyler kicked his shin muttering a "cut it out" under his breath. Which Josh politely pretended not to notice.

Josh was a little grateful when a fellow band member came over and told him they needed something allowing him to slip away into the crowd, but not without another lingering look at Tyler.

"Dude. He's-" Michael started before Tyler gave him a glare.

"Just a friend." Tyler said through grit teeth.

"Yeah a friend whose name is on your thigh." Michael smirked.

"He has Tyler's name on his knee." Mark added with a smirk, causing Tyler to smack him up the head.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Thankfully the band chose this time to take the stage, causing everyone to be distracted by the show. Tyler watching Josh in awe just like the night before, his heart swelling at the sight of Josh so passionately playing.

When the show was over, most people flocked out of the bar somewhere else. A few groups of people stuck around to talk to different band members, some friends helping pack up. Tyler couldn't tear his eyes away from Josh the whole time nervously waiting for him to notice Tyler awkwardly sat there.

"Hey, Mark," Josh smiled again approaching Tyler once he'd finally finished packing all his stuff away.

Tyler pretended not to feel his chest break a little at the use of the wrong name, berating himself for not expecting it.

"There's an after party happening now if you're up for it?" He asked the question directly to Tyler before remembering himself and turning to address the other two guys present.

"Sure." Mark replied on Tyler's behalf, he was a little dazed out.

"Sweet." Josh grinned widely, flashing perfect teeth. He quickly gave them the address before excusing himself.

Mark practically had to drag Tyler in the opposite direction so they could go to the party.

By the time they arrived at the house the party was in full swing. The house rammed with people. Tyler saw some people he recognised from the gig as he walked in as well as some teammates but he tried to go unnoticed, dragging his friends into the kitchen.

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