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the song is 'Perfect Places' by Lorde.


"Wait, let me get this straight, y-you told your soulmate you were me?" Mark flopped back onto the bed with a small laugh of disbelief.

"Well, yes, no, I don't know. I said my name was Mark I didn't exactly specify which one." Tyler replied pulling at his hair and pacing.

Mark looked up at him and practically snorted with laughter. 

"Come on dude, this is serious what if I never see him again? I totally blew it!"

"Why didn't you just introduce yourself man?" Mark asked flopping back down, a hand flying to his forehead.

Tyler scoffed. "Oh I'm sorry, what should I have done? Ripped my pants off in front of everyone and been like 'Excuse me I think you have my name tattooed on your leg but it's okay cos I have yours too'."

Mark couldn't help but laugh. "Well it would've been one hell of a first impression." He wheezed and Tyler threw a pillow him. "Okay, okay I'm sorry." Mark held up his hands in surrender, trying to stop laughing.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, revealing the small dainty handwriting that read 'Jenna' on his wrist.

"Look there's a chance it's not him? And it's just a coincidence, I mean," Mark chuckled at the memory that bubbled to the surface. "Remember when you met Jenna and we both thought that she was my soulmate but she never looked twice at me and then not a month later I met my Jenna and I knew straight away she was the one."

Tyler flopped down onto his own bed with a sigh. "'My Jenna' didn't have a soulmark of your name on her foot though, did she?"

Mark rolled his eyes. "Well this Josh has your name on his knee so obviously, he is yours." He commented and Tyler scowled at him, throwing his other pillow over his head and missing Mark completely because he refused to get up off the bed.

Mark stared at the pillow on the floor as he sat up, sighing heavily before getting up and flopping down on top of Tyler causing him to let out a loud 'ooft' noise.

Tyler groaned and shoved at him pathetically. "This is bullying."

Mark only rolled his eyes and put a hand over his face shushing him.

"Get off me." Tyler snapped shoving his hand off his face and trying to sit up, causing Mark to finally roll off him.

"You need to let loose." Mark grunts as he pushes himself off the bed before his eyes are widening in what can only be described as a 'lightbulb moment'.

"It's time." He offered out his hands pulling Tyler to his feet.

Tyler looked at him confused as he got his footing.

"We're getting you drunk, it's happening." Mark gave him a look as Tyler instantly shook his head. "Tyler, I promised I would give you the best college experience this is the most crucial experience of all."

"You know how I feel about drinking." Tyler whined and Mark rolled his eyes again.

"Yes, you don't like beer I know you've only made that clear like a hundred times." Mark scoffed. "But there's plenty of other types of alcohol you have yet to try so we are going to a frat party tonight. Besides I think Michael will actually hunt you down and drag you there if you blow off yet another one."

Mark headed into the bathroom so as not to give Tyler any more chance to protest. Tyler groaned out a "fine" flopping straight back onto the bed, burying himself under the covers like a child in a strop.


"When you said we were going to a frat party to get drunk I thought you meant we were both here to get drunk?" Tyler complained as Mark fiddled with his camera.

"Hey, this band is paying me I'm not turning down the money." Mark rolled his eyes as Tyler fiddled with his shirt collar. "Stop fussing, tonight is supposed to be about letting go." Mark snorted finally looking up from his camera.

Tyler sniffed and looked down at his shoes, not sure what he was doing here.

"The basketball team invited you, go talk to them you're not exactly unpopular." Mark shoved at Tyler's shoulders trying to push him towards the gathering of guys on the other side of the yard.

Almost as if planned a few of Tyler's teammates swooped over and hustled Tyler away towards the beer pong table.

"Go easy on him boys, he's fragile." Mark shouted after them laughing even harder at the glare Tyler gave him.

Tyler had played almost four games of beer pong and only drank two drinks, what with his ability to land every shot he took and his teammates inability to hold more than about three vodka redbulls without getting too drunk to function.

Tyler decided that he could get used to vodka if it meant he could drink redbull all night. He couldn't tell if the way his chest was buzzing was the energy drink or the alcohol but it was pretty nice.

Just when Tyler was getting cocky the second-best shooter on the team stepped opposite him and for the first time he was being made to down another three drinks, finally getting drunk enough that he lost the game.

He laughed giddily as he high-fived Michael and stepped out of the way for someone else to take a go. Joining in as people cheered and laughed as the game continued.

He was distracted by a band suddenly taking the makeshift stage the frat had set up. They introduced themselves before starting to play, a load more people had arrived since Tyler had started playing the game and they all gathered around the band jumping and cheering along to the lyrics.

Tyler smiled a little, the band weren't bad at all, he could get into their stuff. He took a deep breath in through his nose and tried not to fall over with how things had started to spin slightly.

Suddenly Tyler did a double take, his eyes catching on the drummer. He couldn't be sure if it was the alcohol making him see things or not but he was almost certain the passionate guy beating the crap out of the drum kit was the same guy he'd not stopped thinking about all day.

Before he could stop himself, almost by instinct he let out a slurred and shaky "Josh".

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