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the song is 'Youth' by Glass Animals.


Tyler backed away from the stage, even though it was unlikely he'd be spotted given the relatively large crowd he didn't want to chance it. He hurried over the other side of the yard and sat beside the pool, tucked out the way of everyone. He took off his shoes and socks dipping his legs in the water and sighing into his red cup as he watched the band from a distance.

The band's set was small and before Tyler could even finish his drink they were thanking people for coming and heading off stage.

Mark located Tyler not long after, sitting next to him, taking off his shoes and socks and joining him in putting his legs over the pools edge.

"I took some great shots check it out." He held his camera out flicking through the photos.

Tyler stopped him on a particularly good one. "That's him."

His heart was racing; he knew everything was still fuzzy but he'd know his bright blue hair (even from under a cap) and his nose ring and his perfect teeth anywhere. His heart skipped while Mark quirked an eyebrow at the way his head lolled trying to get closer to the camera. Mark shifted it before he could head-butt it and shoved Tyler to sit upright.

"Dude how much did you drink?"

"Shut up." Tyler dragged his 's' a little too long to sound intimidating. "That's Josh." He emphasised the name, driving home what he meant almost smacking the camera as he pointed at it. Marks eyes went wide as the words hit him.

"It's a sign." He grabbed Tyler's wrist pulling a dramatic expression.

"Stop." Tyler slurred yanking his hand back and sloshing his drink into the water.

Just then someone cleared their throat behind them causing them both to freeze. "Uh, Mark?"

Mark swivelled around in his spot looking up at the source of the voice.

"Oh, uh awkward you're both called Mark." Josh pulled on a strand of hair obviously uncomfortable. Tyler turned around slowly his heart beating a mile a minute, giving Mark a terrified glance on his way around.

"Hey, Josh, right?" He smiled up at him. There was an awkward pause before Tyler continued. "Hey cool set man, you're really good." He gestured over to the stage where a DJ was now playing random house music. Josh blushed ever so slightly at the compliment but Tyler saw it, his words catching in his throat. "M-Mark was just showing me the, uh, photos they're pretty sick."

"Oh really, can I see?" Josh said excitedly sitting down next to them, crossing his legs like a kid and taking the camera out of Mark's hands and letting him show him the shots.

"Thanks man these are sick." He pat Mark on the back. Tyler took his chance while the pair were talking to down the rest of his drink. He pulled his feet out of the pool so he could turn to face Josh properly.

"Well I should probably go take some pictures for the frat now I think everyone's suitably drunk enough." Mark laughed before eyeing Tyler as he swayed a little. "You included." He joked as he immediately snapped a shot of Tyler.

"Asshole." Tyler said pushing Mark's shoulder.

"Hey, no damaging the equipment." Mark reprimanded before getting up and grabbing his shoes and socks as he left. "See ya later." He headed towards the mess of bodies dancing together by the stage. Josh shuffled around slightly so he was facing Tyler head on, smiling.

"So, are you a member?" He asked, Tyler looked at him confused his drunk brain unable to make the connection necessary to understand him. "Of the frat?" Josh laughed.

"Oh, no, no I live in halls, it's my first year I wanted the full experience." Tyler couldn't be sure but he was certain he only slurred once.

"Is this your first frat party by any chance?" Josh searched his eyes for an answer, laughing as Tyler tried to sit up straighter and act more sober.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tyler sniffed and Josh laughed.

"You're so gone." Josh's eyes crinkled slightly and Tyler felt his chest tighten, it was like sunshine radiated through his whole body at the sight of Josh's scrunched nose and he had to look away. He looked down into the pool blushing slightly, before remembering his socks and shoes and attempting to put them on.

He huffed as Josh laughed before he eventually took pity and helped Tyler tie the laces on his vans.

"Thanks." Tyler wet his hand in the pool and then rubbed his face. "I think I need to go to bed now." He let out a long huff of air before attempting to stand.

Josh moved almost in sync catching Tyler's arm and helping him stand safely.

"Do you want a ride home? I'm going past halls anyway?" Josh asked sweetly.

Something in Tyler screamed that he was getting too close too soon, another part was ranting about serial killers and how he's only just met this guy and another part told him he wanted to know everything about this guy.

"Okay." Tyler smiled

Josh put a hand out to steady him. "I'm not a serial killer, I promise." He joked holding his hands up in mock surrender.

Tyler froze, he knew it wasn't possible that Josh could've read his mind but it still spooked him.

"I have to tell Mark." He turned to start looking for his friend. He found him taking pictures by the beer pong table. He practically stumbled over to him.

"Okay I'll be leaving soon anyway." Mark responded, eyeing Josh stood next to Tyler, as Tyler said he was going back to their dorm. Tyler nodded before heading out with Josh beside him.

Tyler cut through the dancing college kids, Josh right behind him. At one point, they got boxed in, Tyler felt Josh get pressed into his back, he took a deep breath trying to ignore the fact that he could hear his heart pulsing in his ears. He was so screwed.

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