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the song is 'The Other Side' by Ruelle.


Tyler woke up curled around Josh's frame. He resisted the urge to groan as he remembered the conversation they'd had the night before, remembered how he'd once again completely frozen up when it came to telling Josh the truth.

He was interrupted from his thoughts by his phone buzzing. He carefully manoeuvred to pick it up trying not to wake Josh.

Dude where are you? We have a test in 20??

"Crap." Tyler hissed. He looked at Josh's sleeping body, his breath catching as he caught the hint of a smile at the corner of his lips.

He's so beautiful. Tyler snapped out of his day dream and went to get up, awkwardly shifting off the bed. Josh stirred.

He hummed rolling over and blinking open to see Tyler quickly shoving on his shoes.

"Sorry." Tyler whispered. "I have to go. I have a test I'm gonna be late for." He pressed a gentle kiss to Josh's nose.

As he turned to leave Josh reached out to grab his hand, he pulled him in for a sleepy kiss. Tyler pulled away aware that if he didn't leave now he would never want to leave.

"Can I see you tonight?" Josh asked cautiously, still wearing a sleepy smirk, his hair all ruffled and his cheeks pink. Tyler's heart skipped.

"Of course. I'll text you." Tyler promised with a warm smile before letting go of Josh's hand and practically bolting out the room to get to his class.

Later that evening, Josh picked Tyler up from his dorm and took him out on a movie date followed by dinner somewhere fancy (well 'fancy' in that it had proper napkins, not paper ones).

When he dropped Tyler back to his dorm he insisted on walking him to the door to the building. Their fingers linked together as Tyler pulled Josh closer to himself, when he hung back, so they were nose to nose.

"Do you want to come up?" Tyler said against Josh's lips, batting his eyes with feigned innocence. He knew Mark was visiting Jenna for the weekend so his room was currently unoccupied.

Josh bit his lip and nodded. With a laugh Tyler kissed him briefly, before unlocking the main door and pulling Josh into the building.

As soon as they entered Tyler's room, Josh pushed him up against the door, kissing him furiously. Tyler let out a gasp of surprise that got lost against Josh's mouth. Tyler thread his hands in Josh's hair as Josh's hands slipped under the hem of Tyler's shirt.

Tyler pulled on Josh's bottom lip with his teeth, causing Josh to let out a growl low in his throat.

Tyler pushed Josh's jacket off his shoulders before removing his own. Josh pulled Tyler's t-shirt half way up his body before tugging insistently and breaking the kiss just long enough to breathe out the word "off".

Tyler nodded quickly, ripping the shirt off before reconnecting their lips. Josh moved his head down to press kisses down Tyler's neck and chest, his fingers beginning to undo Tyler's belt.

Tyler pushed Josh away slightly, forcing Josh to look at him. "Are you sure?" He gasped out.

A fond smile overcame Josh's features as he nodded. His smile quickly turned to a smirk however, as the button on Tyler's jeans undid causing Tyler to make a disgruntled noise out of surprise. With a wink Josh dropped to his knees, leaving a trail of hot wet kisses down Tyler's torso as he went. Tyler shuddered, his fingers threading through Josh's soft curls.

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