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the song is 'Honey Sweet' by Blossoms.


"Do you want to order pizza and play Mario Kart with me and Michael later?" Mark asked from where he was slouched behind his laptop.

Tyler came out of the bathroom fixing his hair, rummaging through his things in search of a jacket.

"Can't. I'm going over to Josh's for pizza instead."

"You've been seeing him a lot lately." Mark raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well, I like him." Tyler tried to hide the content smile on his face as he dug through his storage for some shoes, having found a jacket.

"I told you; he's the one!" Mark sat up excitedly.

"Yeah, if only he felt the same." Tyler muttered to himself, sighing as he laced up his floral vans.

"Why wouldn't he-" Mark began overhearing Tyler, before he put the pieces together. "Oh please tell me you told him?"

Tyler avoided his gaze guiltily and Mark gasped.

"Tyler." He hissed getting up off the bed. Tyler moved off his bed at the same time, flinching. "It's been nearly a month and he still thinks your name is Mark, are you kidding me?!" Mark asked incredulously.

Tyler looked up at him sheepishly.

"I'm scared to." He said.

"Tyler that's not fair on him." Mark lectured.

"I'll tell him, I will, I promise I'll fix it." Tyler blurted as he grabbed his keys and phone scrambling out of the door before Mark could throw something at him.

When Tyler got to Josh's apartment a girl with bright yellow hair opened the door. Tyler had to check himself before he stared.

"Mark?" She queried, wiggling an eyebrow. Tyler stared for a minute before remembering and nodding awkwardly.

"Come on in." She smiled almost as brightly as her hair, before leading him into the apartment. "I'm Hayley." She said shaking his hand.

The apartment was open-plan. One large lounge area with a kitchen area behind it and corridor to the side that obviously led to the bedrooms and bathroom. In the middle of the room was a couch, it's back facing the door. A large TV was mounted on the wall. It was currently playing a basketball game that someone was sat on the couch watching. Hayley hopped over the back of the couch to sit next to them.

"Brendon, this is Mark." She said and Tyler smiled sheepishly.

The guy sat on the couch turned around and extended a hand. Tyler shook it before accepting their invitation to join them and perching on the end of the couch. Instantly getting way too into the game and causing him to have to admit he was on the scholarship programme. Brendon seemed pretty impressed by this which made a small swell of pride rise in Tyler's chest.

Tyler was half way through a red bull Hayley had offered him when Josh finally came out of his room, his hair still damp from a shower, shirt stuck to him a little. He looked embarrassed when he realised Tyler had arrived already.

"I thought it was earlier than it was sorry." He apologise but Tyler shook his head fondly, setting down his can and letting Josh pull him to his feet.

Tyler wrapped his arms around Josh's shoulders as they hugged hello. Leading Hayley and Brendon to make cooing noises at them. Tyler blushed and pulled away and Josh stuck his tongue out at his friends.

Josh tugged on Tyler's hands, pulling him down the corridor and into his bedroom. Once inside he kissed Tyler passionately, pinning him to the back of the door. Tyler kissed back desperately, he knew his lips would be swollen later but that only made him kiss harder. His hands roamed the vast expanse of Josh's back, his hands going up under his t-shirt, nails grazing his damp skin.

Josh moaned against Tyler's mouth a little and Tyler thought his legs would give out. He pulled Josh closer, moving his lips to Josh's neck. Josh ground his hips against Tyler's causing a moan to slip out, he bit down onto Josh's neck as he did it again causing Josh to shiver and pull Tyler's lips back onto his own.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door.

"Hey love birds. Pizza time." Brendon practically sung through the door. Josh pushed his hand on the door to brace himself, panting heavily. He groaned in annoyance at the interruption letting his forehead drop onto Tyler's shoulder.

Tyler laughed lightly, nudging him so he moved away from where he had Tyler trapped. He gave Josh a quick peck on the lips and turning around to open the door. The pair headed back into the living room, ignoring the sly looks they got at their mussed-up hair and red lips, from Brendon and Hayley. There was another girl sat in Brendon's lap who introduced herself as Sarah, Brendon's girlfriend. Tyler considered asking if they were soulmates but the question was answered when she reached over for a slice of pizza and revealed Brendon's name on the inside of her arm.

The group ate pizza while they watched some crappy horror film on the TV, laughing at all the clichés. At one point Josh put his arm around Tyler and Tyler blushed but leant into him. He pressed his knee against Josh's and that's when he noticed he was wearing the same ripped knee jeans he'd had on the day they met. Tyler's mouth went dry as he saw the name up close for the first time. It was upside down but he could clearly make out his name, in his own handwriting. There was no way he could deny it any longer, he was Josh's soulmate.

Before he could say anything, Josh noticed him staring and pulled a pillow over his lap to cover the mark, a broken expression appearing on his face as Tyler looked up at him.

"Sorry." He said and Tyler could tell there was more to it.

"Why are you apologising?" Tyler asked softly.

"I don't know, my ex, she was kinda always angry when she saw my soulmark." Josh said with a frown. "I guess it's habit to apologise."

Tyler instantly pressed a soft kiss to Josh's cheek, trying to smile reassuringly but when he saw the distracted look on Josh's face he got up, coaxing Josh to follow him by pulling on his hands softly. The others gave Josh worried glances before turning back to the film when they left the room.

When Josh got back to his room he sombrely sat on the end of his bed, Tyler joining him.

"I'm not her." Tyler said after a long silence and Josh took a deep breath at the words. "Whatever shit she put you through, I won't ever do that to you Josh. You're not-" Tyler hesitated and Josh finally looked at him concerned. "You're not ashamed of your soulmark, are you?"

Josh frowned. He didn't understand why Tyler would ask him that, but Tyler was so scared Josh was ashamed to have him as a soulmate, even though he didn't even know.

'I'm ashamed of having a guy as my soulmate, Mark, if I was ashamed of being gay I wouldn't have kissed you like I did earlier."

The use of the false name was like a stinging slap to Tyler but he still found himself speechless, a lump stuck in his throat. It didn't matter anymore because Josh was taking Tyler's face between his hands and kissing him softly. Nudging Tyler to lie back onto the bed as they continued making out somewhat lazily.

"I like you a lot." Tyler said when they pulled apart for air. Josh smiled, but his next words were sad. He pressed their foreheads together.

"I think I've fallen for you." Tyler's heart stuttered as he moved to press their lips together once again, more passionately this time.

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