Chapter 8.

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I went back to Dina's to see why Ariella hadn't called. Does she have any idea who I am? Why wouldn't she?

Once I went she wasn't there. A waitress named Sarah assisted me. "Where is Ariella?"

"She quit," She said, casually, shrugging her shoulders. "But don't worry. I'm a much better server than she was."

"Where does she work now?" I asked. I wasn't here to order anything. I was here to see her. If she quit and hadn't called me or Sinagon, where could she be?

"Who knows, but can I get you anything?" She said, sticking her chest out and giving me an innocent smile.

"No, actually. Does anyone here know where she is?" It seemed the blonde waitress became aggravated by the way she rolled her eyes and sighed, but I wasn't interested. Maybe on a later date.

"Her friend Maddie is eating over there, why don't you ask her?" She rolled her eyes again and went off to another table. I looked over to where she pointed and there was a brown haired girl sitting at the bar on her phone.

"Are you Maddie?" I asked, standing with my hands in my pockets.

"Is it my birthday already?" Her eyes widened. She then tilted her head at me and I didn't understand what she meant until she whispered. "Don't you think this place is a little too public to strip?"

My eyebrows went up and I couldn't help but laugh. I could see why Ariella valued her friendship. I spoke more seriously. "I'm no stripper, nor would I ever need to be one. But the waitress over there said you may know where Ariella is."

"Oh, you must be Nicholas, "Her eyes went wide again as if she remembered something. "She told me you gave her your card. You must be really commited to getting a call back, huh?"

"Ahh, you could say that," There was no feelings for Ariella. She was just a sudden interest. Something to keep me occupied for now. She was attractive, innocent. Someone to concur. I could have anyone I want to satisfy me, yet I wanted her now. And what I want I get. Maybe after I'd forget about her, but as of now I couldn't. "Do you  know where she is?"

"I'm sorry she never called," she said, sympathetically. "But she got a new job at SEO Limited like three days ago."

"What?" My teeth pressed together as anger over took me. What the fuck was she doing at SEO Limited? Last time I checked, my card said Sinagon Headquarters and she chooses my fucking polar opposite.

Dante Acosta.

I know if he's seen her he noticed what I did about her. And if he thinks he's going to have her in his cocaine
filled clutches then he's got another thing coming.

Maddie hadn't noticed my inner displeasure so she continued to talk, but I tuned her out, until catching the last sentences.

"I think she's on a date now though so you might be out of luck, sorry," she finished going back to her drink. " Hopefully that's not a hit on you're ego or anything. You're still cute. Buy one of those fancy escorts and ice cream it out."

I shook my head. Girls and their unhealthy ice cream binges. I couldn't just 'buy some fancy escort.' I own a business. The woman continued, telling me where Ariella was.

"You should've seen her dress, wow. She'll probably be getting some later tonight if you know what I mean.." I walked out, once I got the information I wanted, not caring to listen to anymore of her rambling.

"Bye, Nicholas!" I had heard her yell from behind me.

Ariella had to have known of my distaste for SEO yet she went nevertheless. Little minx. What Ariella didn't know though, she was mine the first day I saw her. It wasn't the time I asked her to sit with me. I had seen her long before that. But I waited. And Dante swept her right from underneath me.

If she's on a date with who I think maybe I could use this to my advantage. I've fucked Dante over once and I can do it again. I will do it again. So much, that there will be no SEO Limited. Only Sinagon.

Looks like I have a date to ruin.


I didn't want Ariella to see me snap again after Nicholas tried to push my buttons. I was surprised she stepped from behind me. I didn't want Nicholas to see her. He'd use her against me, somehow. He went to touch her and I stopped him.

I realized I was showing too much possesivensss of her for my liking. I tried to remain calm as he kissed her hand and I could tell he scared her. More than he should. It brought confusion, but I heard him talking to her about me and instinctively pulled her close. Her arms went around me for balance and he looked my way.

Mine, I thought. She was someone Nicholas couldn't take away from me. If I had given him the impression that she was nothing to me then he probably wouldn't try to use her to his advantage, but I had already done too much. He sent her a wink as he walked inside and if looks could kill, he'd be done for.

I closed my eyes and tried my best to calm after he went in and Ariella moved away from me to stand up straight, which only made it harder.

The car I had called pulled up and I apologized to Ariella. I never apologized so often before and the last thing I want is for a woman to make me soft. Especially with Nicholas lurking around every corner.

I went to my car and headed home.
The instant I arrived I undressed and climbed into bed, knowing I most likely wouldn't be getting sleep any time soon.

I replayed the events of today in my head until I finally dozed off. Then I saw the worst.

"Daddy where is mommy?" I asked, holding my lucky bear as I watched my father laying on the floor in his dark blue suit.

"That's not what you need to worry about right now, Dante," He said, picking up his drink and hastily walking towards the couch. "What you need to worry about is getting your ass back in your fucking room."

"You tell him daddy," A woman wearing a skimpy red dress slurred.

I hadn't noticed her on the other end of the couch laying down. My mommy would never want her here. She had to be gone. But where?

"But I want my mommy,"I whimpered, holding my bear tighter.

"I'm not going to say it again, son," He warned, cuddling next to the woman and kissing her.

I let a hot tear fall and walked towards my room.

I'll be strong for you, mommy, I promised.

I glanced towards her room and found the door was cracked open. She had to be in there. I let a smile slide on my face.

I slowly opened the door, letting my bear hang by my side.

"Mommy?" I said, looking to the side of the bed when I noticed she wasn't on it. My eyes widened and lip quivered at the sight.

"Dante, no!"

My eyes snapped open. I sat up straight trying to remove the images as my hands flew to the sides of my head.

I can't go back to sleep. Not after that. I had to release stress. I picked up the phone and made a call. There was a 'hello' on the other end and I grinned, slowing my breathing.

"Maria?" I breathed heavily. "Are you busy now?"

Surprise! It's me again :))) but I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. I'm sorry if some things sort of come out of no where because I'm kind of coming up with it as I go along. More characters will be added soon and if there's any character you want a picture of or if you want to be added in a chapter just hmu!

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