Chapter 56.

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My past was coming back to haunt me and yet as it replayed in my head it seemed to skip out on all the fun parts, leaving me all alone with the biggest fuck up of my entire life.

I couldn't explain what came over me -- what influenced me to say or do the things I did.

You want to know what it truly feels like to live.. To feel drunk without your lips having to ever touch the glass.

In control..

All you have to do is ask yourself one simple question. 

-- What are you willing to do in order to get what or who you want?

I had never been the Shakespeare type before, yet at the wrong place -- at the worst time, I spewed endless riddles of desire like a fucking poet.

Images of the vanilla, blonde-haired woman flashed in my mind.

She was tempted before I had even approached and I was the hammer to drive the nail in.

Now, I couldn't take it back. I couldn't change the past. It was now permanently my responsibility and not even running to a different country could change that.

Simply put -- I fucked up.

I couldn't have been thinking clearly, I mean who can when your system is filled with sexual tension and 6 rounds of Bacardi Reserva on the rocks?

Regardless, it was my mistake to live with.

I could no longer hide this mistake from Dante. If I didn't tell him, she --his enemy rather than his friend -- would tell him first; assuming, she hadnt already. And we both knew how badly that would reflect.

To make matters worse, not only did I have to tell Dante, but Maddie..

I would never be forgiven. It would ruin us. After how far we've come, I wasn't ready to let it fall. My heart was once empty, dark, yet she had somehow found her way in. And I couldn't let her leave, especially not after only just getting her back.

Refusing to face even the woman it affected the most, I've never felt more ashamed.

Bringing my hand down from my dark, brown locks, I brought it to the bare back of the beautiful woman who laid, snoring softly on top of me.

Her chest against mine as she melted into me, the closeness making me sweat underneath her -- not that I cared in the slightest.

I'd prefer it no other way.

Tracing the line of her spine all the way to her tail bone, only barely touching her warm skin before guiding my hand back up to start all over again.

The action seemed to soothe me as I stared up at the ceiling, lostly.

And then a random, oh-so wonderful, thought occurred to me and it left my lips spreading into a content smile.

Dante had found his 'Angel' or better yet a woman that he felt was worthy of settling down with. The rest of his life with this one person, the same pu-

- woman.


A love that lit a fire inside of him that he couldn't imagine ever going out.

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