Chapter 29.

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I woke up to find my pillow still wet. Everything changed so quickly. It'd have to be the rarest thing ever to go from in Thailand with hot CEO to in tears because of how much of a fuck up you are.

I couldn't tell Maddie.

She'd know, too.

I thought about skyping her while Dante and I were on our long and completely silent trip back, but I couldn't bring myself to.

I would've tried to talk to Dante, but it would have been no use and it was obvious he was in no mood as he spent most of his time in the seat closest to the pilot's den.

I purposely sat farther back, closer to the bathroom so I wouldn't have to awkwardly walk past him or provoke him to get upset.

The idea that he was in fact only a mere ten feet away from me and there was nothing I could do or say to him, made me want to sob all over again.

I silently prayed he'd have no reason to walk by me. And I definitely had no reason to walk up there, considering the pilots didn't speak english.

After the plane landed, there were two different limousines waiting for us and we respectfully went our separate ways.

Today I'd most likely have to go to SEO Limited to get the rest of my things. Maybe I'd walk there this time to avoid Maddie and her pity or just the embarrassment of losing everything all over again. I had in fact made enough to buy an all right car, but I wouldn't be able to look for one today or for a while.

I wished I could hold off on going to SEO for at least a week, but leaving my belongings will only remind Dante of his biggest and most untrustworthy spy yet.


I lied to him.

I pretended I didn't know who Nicholas was.

And I paid for it.

I lazily sat up and placed my feet on the floor, or as close as they would get to it.

I stood up and slowly made my way to the bathroom to prepare for what ever other tragedy today would bring.

As I looked in the mirror I cringed with disgust. My dark brown hair was messy from sleep and my eyes were now red and puffy thanks to the crying.

My once vibrant blue eyes were now almost a stone-like grey and I laughed out of pity, looking up. I was stupid to think I could ever even be with a man like Dante. A CEO. While I, on the other hand, was nothing. I was only his current plaything.

And just like a doll, he dressed me up and made me feel beautiful when in reality I was everything but.

You can dress a rock up as a diamond, but at the end of the day it is still a rock and him, still a CEO.

I turned the shower on and then slipped off my black, silk night gown. Putting my hair in a bun so it wouldn't get wet, I grabbed a small towel and my usual Sweet Pea scented soap to wash myself.

As the hot water continued to cascade over me, I let it burn until my skin became slightly red and ached. Otherwise, I'd try to stay under it for hours.

After a small while, I finally stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. The aching seized, or at least most of it, as the cold air on the way to the closet hit my skin.

I moved my things on the hangers left and right, looking for an outfit. I didn't feel the need to dress up today, but if there was anything I learned from my mother it was 'if you feel like shit on the inside, don't show it on the outside.'

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