Chapter 14.

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I took Ariella's hand, guiding her down the airstairs towards my black limo.

I watched her reaction to her surroundings and smiled. Just wait until she sees where we're staying. She looked in awe and I couldn't help but find it cute, along with how great she looked now.

Something in my chest ached and the foreign feeling left me frozen, until Lorenzo had interrupted to inform me of the time of landing.

My driver opened the door for us and greeted me.

"How was the trip Mr. Acosta?" He politely asked, looking at me through the mirror.

"It was fine, thank you," I told him.

"And you Ms. Faure?"

"Oh, good, thanks," Ariella replied with wide eyes as if she hadn't expected him to ask her.

"Did you bring what I asked?" I asked him and she looked towards me.

"Yes, sir, but may I ask why you didn't request enough for two?"

"Ahh, I kind of promised someone I'd get it for them." Ariella looked at Daichi with a confused look as he handed her a black glass dish with a red top on it. "I believe this is for you then, Ms. Faure."

She looked up at me as though she was requesting permission to open it and I gave her a nod.

She opened it and her lips parted in shock. The scent hit my nose and I could tell it wasn't the least bit burned as Ariella's had been. I figured she'd be hungry seeing as she hadn't ate since she woke up. "Dante, how did you- oh my god. Tell me you didn't see my.."

"I did, I did," I said, trying to hold my laugh as her cheeks went pink and she looked down at the professionally cooked lasagna. "But it's fine. Practice makes perfect."

"It took me an hour thanks to.." her voice raised and eyes widened with a gasp like she remembered something.

"Google recipes?" I finished for her with a cheesy grin

"Yes," She responded in a whisper, seeming more embarrassed now, yet smiling.

I moved her hair from her face with a gentle swipe and she looked up in my eyes.

The aching feeling returned as she froze. I froze, too. We stayed there, lost. I couldn't bring myself to look away and I felt myself being guided towards her.

She leaned in as well and as our lips were about to connect the car came to a halt.

Daichi informed us of our arrival and I groaned in response in which he heard. "I'm sorry, boss. Did I interrupt something?"

"No," I lied with gritted teeth. Ariella put the top back over the dish and smiled up at me.

"Thank you, Dante. I'll eat it once we get inside." I nodded and Daichi opened the door for me. I moved out and waited for Ariella. I grabbed her free hand to help her out and as soon as her head rose her eyes glistened with the sight.

You could see a part of the ocean and mountains in the back from where we stood. There was palm trees aligning the stone entrance. They had lights around them, making me wish we had come at night.

"Welcome to the Bo Phut resort, Mr. Acosta," A blonde woman greeted me. "Can I get you a drink?"

She was awfully close to me as she placed a hand on my arm. I saw Ariella's head go down and I didn't like it. She seemed to have ignored Ariella's presence and it pissed me off, but I tried to only slightly show it.

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