chapter 54.

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The most beautiful and euphoric thing in my entire world.

Her smile.

Her happiness.

It made my week, my month, my year. It made everything all seem worth it. And there was no way I could take that away from her -- take it away from myself.

She didn't deserve to know what Maria told me.

It would take her smile away.

So we would move on. The both of us -- all of us.

Besides for a man that was usually all powerful, there was nothing I could do.

Nothing I wanted to do that was legal atleast.

This man was just as powerful as I am. Someone I had least expected. Someone I wished it was not.

There was nothing I could give him that would even this out, nothing that I was willing to give up for that matter. I guess one would say that I had met my match.

How far he was willing to take this, I didn't know. And I admittedly was reluctant to find out.

He was the last person I'd expect to do this, but yet the most obvious. Even to Ariella. It was blatant she had someone else in mind other than Maria. Maria was only a pawn in this fucked up game of 'love and war.'

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that, in a way, it was a replay of past events. With my father. An old friend or better yet, potential partner, would stab him in the back. And sadly, caught right in the middle of it, was an unsuspecting and undeserving angel.

Why? It always seemed to be the question. Never answered by one person, but simply by circumstance. Regretful moments. Unresolved problems.

And the root of it all: love. Or maybe money. Both of detrimental importance.

But oh, how times have changed over the past ten years. I was in control now -- or as in control as I could be.

And I wasn't going to just wait for his next move.

Lifting Ariella's hand, which was entwined with mine, I brought it to my lips as I watched the road.

From the corner of my eye, I could see her innocently smile into her lap at my action, her eyes unwavering from the ring on her finger.

I'm going to make my move. And no, it won't be one against you. But in spite of you.

It seemed to be the only way to really win. Marry Ariella and continue my life, my legacy. Our legacy.

Which includes the little one that Ariella was currently protecting. Although, most would think I'd want it to be a boy, something told me we'd be welcoming a little girl. A princess. It was just a feeling, but neither of us would know for sure until she was a few more weeks in. I could just imagine holding her -- how small and fragile she would be. And how the need to protect her life with my own would wash over me. Hell, I felt that now and she was no where near being here.

But she was even more of a reason to move on.

A female heir to my thrown.

I was no where near ready to give it up yet, but a feeling of pride filled my chest at the thought.

We reached home and I went around to open her door for her. She out stretched the hand with the ring towards me and I smiled to myself as I helped her up.

I moved her hips forwards, lightly, to close the door and there was a slight hint of deja vu. After hearing the clicks to confirm it was locked, I guided her inside.

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