Chapter 46.

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Song: Bebe Rexha - In the Name of Love (male version)


Everyday, I lived with my regret and shame. The horrible father I had been. The horrible husband I had been. It was my fault that neither me or Dante would be able to see Angelina again.

I'd never hear her laugh again. See her breathtaking smile. Watch her green eyes slow time. I'd never feel her smooth skin underneath my touch. Feel her body underneath mine.

It wasn't love at first sight. It was love at first soul.

Sometimes, I wish I had never felt any of those things. That I had never met Angelina. That I'd never seen her that day in the conference room.

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't change the past. If I hadn't met her, there would be no Dante. There wouldn't be as many beautiful memories to look back on. Who knows what type of person I'd be now, had she not put a spotlight on my mistakes.

Before I met her, I was cold. Empty. Alone. She was my heaven on earth. She wasn't my first, but deffinetly my last. And no matter what kind of bullshit there was going on at work or clubs, or anywhere else, I could still go home knowing she was there, waiting for me. My angel, my queen, my everything.

But now, it was empty. I was empty. No matter how many times I tried to close my eyes and picture her there with me, I knew she was never coming back. I remembered when her eyes would bring me calmmess after my day had been full of incompetence. When she'd use those same eyes to put me in a trance, her every wish to soon be my command. How my heart would thud in my chest when I felt her soft touch. The day I had sat underneath the shower with her all night until she was sure she was calm. How she would flinch every time my hand went to my hair. The first time I took her to my home country. Her eyes glistened, beautifully. She even stood by my side through the rise of my empire.

Every single kiss she gifted me with took my breath away.

Now when I couldn't breathe it was because I'd wake up to find my bed to still be cold and lonely, reminding me that it wasn't a dream and I had failed her. Everytime I'd wake up. It was the same reminder. I'd never felt more weak, powerless. I can't even count how many nights I woke up with horrible sobs. At my lowest points, I'd even call out to her. Beg her to give me at least one more day. To let me hold her one more time. But silence is all I get in return. She was much too far away, far beyond my reach.

The pain in my chest had lasted for so long that eventually it became a natural feeling. My everlasting darkness. I didn't think I could feel anything else. Nor did I understand why I was still here.

But as I sat next to my son in his favorite childhood restaurant and he looked over to me and said he wanted to marry his angel, my chest felt a little lighter. A little warmer. I felt like I had been given a purpose. To make sure he'd live his life the way he wanted. To make sure he'd keep his angel. And to witness his family become what mine couldn't.

My time to be with my Angel again hadn't yet come. But I knew it would eventually. I made a vow to her and I planned to keep it.

Promise me that no matter what happens, you will stay with me forever, Isaac. Tell me you won't ever leave me alone.

I promise, Angel. You are mine and I am forever yours.

Till the end of time.

Words can't even begin to express how much I miss her. The word love can't even come close to what I felt for her. What I know she felt for me. Even though the last moments we shared together displayed a tainted love story, I know the love we felt for eachother had never died.

Not even death could tear us apart.

What we had was far from a happily ever after. But when we were together. All drugs and differences aside. When we were one. We were happy. There was no one else I would have rathered to spend my days with. No one else I would rather watch walk down the aisle. And no one else to teach me how to feel, cherish, and kiss the way that she did.

And until it is time for me to hold her in my arms again, I want to be with my son.

The only son I will ever have.

I want to understand his disorder rather than ignore it. Be there for him in his highs and lows. See his empire rise. And to witness him make his vows to his angel for both Angelina and I.

It is because of my Angel that I know what heaven feels like and it's about time he feels the same.

"I am happy for you, son," I smiled, giving him the ntaccatu gesture of approval.

"I want you to be there," he responded, turning towards me with hopeful eyes.

I would want nothing more in the world, Dante.

Fino a quando ci incontreremo di nuovo, Angelo.


This chapter was sort of a cute filler until I get some details worked out. Don't worry we will find out what has happened with Ariella soon, I promise!

But as for now, I hope you all have a good week!

Translations: "Fino a quando ci incontreremo di nuovo, Angelo." - "Until we meet again, Angel."

I hope you all enjoyed the Chapter!

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Much love, A. ❤

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