Chapter 51.

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Sitting on the edge of my office desk, the howl of excitement caused a sharp pain in my ear.

Moving the phone away until I was sure it was over with, I let out a small chuckle. "Oh, mio figlio! Married? This is amazing!"

Word of my engagement spread through my family like wildfire, most likely starting with my father and the happiness in my Grandmother, Greta's, voice made me feel light inside. She seemed more excited than I was, if that was even possible.

I simply just had no time to show it or bask in the ambience with all the interference of being CEO of a company with a shit show of a history.

"When is the wedding? When should I plan my trip?" She continued.

"Well, we haven't really had a chance to discuss that yet," I told her, fidgeting with the stack of business cards on my desk. It felt different talking to her like this. It seemed like it had been forever since I had did something that made my family this overjoyed.

Which would be the exact opposite of how they'd feel, knowing I had a sexual harassment charge hanging over my head.

Speaking of, I wondered how Percy and Karina were doing on tracing where that email came from. My head tilted in thought until I heard my nonna again.

"That's ludacris," she scorned, loudly. "We don't have forever, Dante. You must do it soon!"

I laughed at her anxiousness, easing her mind with my surrender to her words. "Okay, okay nonna. I will see what Ariella thinks about it."

In mid sentence, I could see Karina stalking towards my office thanks to my see-through walls. In the midst of following her path with my eyes, my view stopped on where Ariella's desk used to be.

I smiled, instinctively as I could picture her sitting there, typing lostly on her computer. Every time her eyes glanced toward my chair, I pretended not to notice. And how abosolutely adorable it was when my eyes would go up and she'd pretend she wasn't looking at all. When our eyes occasionally met, I felt a feeling I couldn't explain then.

Little did either of us know, we'd soon share more than a glance.

At the slamming of my door, I was snapped back into reality. Karina's expression held frustration as she held her inseparable appointment book tightly against her chest. I caught the tail end of nonna talking about plans to meet Ariella, throwing question after question.

Before Karina could speak any of the swear words I could feel about to roll off her tongue, I went to end the conversation. "Alright, nonna. We will figure out everything soon, I promise. I'll let you know when I do."

With a loving goodbye, the phone went silent and I ended the call, sitting it down. Bringing my attention to my obviously upset PA, I laced my fingers together over my lap.

"Nonna?" Karina questioned, curiously as her brows slightly creased.

"Yes," I answered, with a nonchalant shrug in an effort to steer her wondering mind away. "We were.. discussing something."

"Discussing something," she mocked me, giving a flat look as though showing me how idiotic my words may have sounded.

"That's what I said," I shrugged again.

I mentally chastised myself at my actions. Clearly way too many shrugs. I watched as her eyes darted across every inch of my face, suspiciously.

Why I was hiding what we were talking about, I didn't really know. But I did know that I felt slightly cautious about telling Karina about my plans to marry Ariella. Perhaps because I was worried of her disapproval.

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