Chapter 36.

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I told her.

I had actually told her what I had been denying to myself since the day I met her. The three words that would be considered a cardinal sin in my world.

But then again, forget my world. I wanted it to be our world. And it could have been, had she not have said the two words that took my breath away.

I had had her in my conference room. Even if only for a brief second. She was with me. Crying for me. Kissing me as though, it would be her last time. They pulled me away, and then, I lost her again. I should have realized that, in her mind, it would be her last.

She saw the monster in me and she must've hated him just as much as I did.

My angel was leaving me. Again.

But this time, I couldn't let it happen.

This time I would get her back. Not Karina.

If she couldn't fight for us anymore, then I will. I wasn't going to be able to do it alone, though. Of course, that is, when ever I get the fuck out of here with this shrink.

I've done it quite a few times before and I can do it again. Just after one little thing.

I moved from my hunched over position, lifting my head up from my hands. Then, I leaned over the arm of the couch towards the direction my psychiatrist was sitting. Or therapist.

What ever.

I swallowed my massive pride, readying myself to pretend I was unphased by Ariella's departure.

"Can I have something to drink, doctor?"

I squinted my eyes as I looked to him. My voice cracked, but was still rather rough. He seemed to put my words into his records as though he was noting my reaction to what had just transpired. "Preferrably in a glass."

"Just give me one second," he finished his writing and stood up to go to the kitchen as I placed the brooch--that had dropped into my lap--in my pocket.

"You're just going to let her leave?"

Ignoring Karina, I sat up and leaned back against the chair as I stared at nothing in particular.

I believe it was her who had told me Ariella was a spy in the first place. If she was so concerned now, the answer was no, I'm wasn't going to just let her leave and she'd see that if she would just shut the f-

The man returned quickly with the glass of water outstretched towards me and I briskly stood up to meet him half way.

He placed the small glass cup in my hands and just as quick as I had touched it, I swallowed everything in it down. With a deep breath, I prepared to release all the resentment from what I had watched my enemy do, the sadness from Ariella leaving me, and the fury from what my father had done to my family. I let it all join with the burning pain in my chest until it boiled over into hard anger. Suddenly, I propelled the glass at the wall.

I felt a sudden rush of excitement and then almost all of the spinning leaving me with each breath I took, my chest rising and falling, greatly. The glass breaking sounded like music to my ears and brought a smile to my face. Soon the large ball of dangerous urges settling in my head finally released like a piñata on Easter. Or is it Christmas?

I turned back to the doctor who, as I expected, didn't seem phased. He stared at the wall, showing his disappointment with his flat look and lips pressed together. He held his clipboard to his chest tightly while I, however, let out a breathy 'woo' before facing him and speaking.

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