Chapter 36:

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Nat's POV:

When I fully registered what was happening I got my senses back and attempted to shove Anthony away. Not budging I did the only other thing I could think of and bit his lip as hard as I could without trying to draw blood. That seemed to do the trick, I stumble back as he shoved me away from him aggressively.

"Stupid bitch what the hell was that for?" He screeched, seeming unashamed at the assault he just gave my lips.

At that I brought my hand back, and slapped him straight across that stupid cheek of his. "Are you seriously asking me that right now? You wicked man! Don't ever touch me or even think about looking at me ever again!"

The pain stricken look on his face faded at my words, a devilish grin taking over his lips. "Oh you'll be seeing more of me. Just you wait, doll."

He turns his back to me after that and walks away, his head held high as if he'd just won a prize. I still couldn't believe what just happened. Trying to wrap my head around the past couple minutes I hadn't even realized one very important detail. What am I going to tell Travis ?

Pure hatred for his brother corsed through my body. Not only has he managed to assault me, he's managed to put both me and Travis in an uncomfortable position. Thoughts of not telling him at all crossed my mind, but not telling him might be even worse than telling him. He might think I actually wanted something to happen between me and Anthony, and I can't let that happen.

Making up my mind I take a deep breath in and go back into the event hall, where I find and eager looking Travis. He spots me instantly and makes his way to me, shoving the crowd of people to the side as he crossed the room.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been looking for you for the last ten minutes! I was worried sick" he said while putting his hands on either side of my face, seeming like he was checking to see if I was in one piece.

"Sorry I wen.." I couldn't finish my sentence. Right as I was about to explain what happened the microphone went off, the announcer saying something I couldn't hear.

Everything seemed to go blank after that, I couldn't hear anything or anyone. My senses going num at the realization of what I was about to do sinked in. Panic hit me then, I was about to shatter Travis with what I was about to tell him. My chest gets heavy at the thought, how will he react to this, what will he do? Him and his brother are already on bad terms, I can't even imagine what will happen now.

My breathing gets heavier and heavier as the thoughts run through my mind all at once. I feel myself shaking making me snap out of it. I realize then that it's not me shaking, someone is shaking me. "Hun are you alright?" Travis says worriedly as he shakes me out of my daze.

"No" I say truthfully. "I'm not okay Travis. We need to talk."

His face falls at my words, he doesn't say anything just nods his head yes and leaves my side. I watch him walk over to his mother, exchange some words, and give her a hug. Her gaze lands on me when they pull apart, which I return with a tight smile. Feeling uneasy I cross my arms across my chest holding myself protectively, and wait for Travis to return.

Not a minute passes and he's by my side again. Wrapping his arm around my waist he leads us out of the room towards the exit. The relief that I crave doesn't come as we reach the car, and I know it won't. Not until I tell the man I love something that will most certainly shatter him.

I keep thinking that I'm making a bigger deal about this than I need to. That these things happen, and he will understand. But I know that's not true. Anthony has betrayed him before and he took pleasure in it, and now he's doing it again. The hatred I felt before fizzles back as I think about him hurting Travis again. I would do anything to protect him, and now I'm the one that will be causing his pain.

A tear rolls down my cheek at the thought. Strong arms wrap me in an embrace, and my face is lifted up by his warm hand. His finger wipes the stray tear away as he leans in and kisses my lips tenderly. I wanted that kiss to wipe all the bad memories of Anthony's dirty lips on mine , but it didn't. It only made it worse. How could I allow him to kiss me when my lips where still tainted with someone else's.

Moving my face to the side I break the contact and slip into the car. Travis doesn't say anything, he just walks to the drivers side and slips in turning on the car.

Words are not exchanged for most of the drive. The silence was honestly unbearable but I couldn't bring myself to cut it. I didn't want this conversation to be done in the car, and I can't bring myself to make small talk.

It's not until we hit a red light that he brakes the silence, " will you please tell me what's going on! I'm going out of my mind here."

I open my mouth to say something, anything, but words don't come. Instead he speaks again, "have I done something wrong? Did I upset you in some way? Is it because I left you for most of the night? I promise I didn't mean to be gone so long, I" I cut him off then.

"No you haven't don't anything wrong. It's me." I pause for a second taking in a breath hoping to steady myself some and then continue " I don't want to have this conversation here. Let's just wait until we get home. Please."

Travis doesn't say anything, he simply nods and turns his focus back on the road. I let out another shaky breath and try to relax in my seat. Key word there is try, the whole car ride back I'm stiff and the air is heavy with uneasiness from both of us.

I practically shoot out of the car when we get home. I have to refrain from getting out before Travis has a chance to park the car in the garage. But once he does I hop out of the car like if it was on fire. I wait for him to unlock the door to the house and then practically run to the kitchen. Needing some liquid courage I pull out a bottle of wine and pour my self a glass. I chug half the glass and then sit in one of the bar stools.

Travis takes a seat next to me a moment after and turns his attention fully to me. "Can we please talk now? Your freaking me out a little. What's going on Nat?"

I sigh deeply and prepare myself for what's to come. "Anthony, he uh. He umm, well we ran into each other when I went to the bathroom and he uh," no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get the words to come out of my damn mouth.

"What did he do Natalia!?" He questions, his voice dark and heavy, almost as if he's ready to kill. "What did Anthony do?"

Without being able to stop it I break down into tears, tears that have been threatening to spill out ever since that dreadful kiss. Ive being trying to keep them in and now it's to late to stop them. Travis envelopes me in his arms instinctively. Holding me in his embrace tenderly he tells me everything is going to be okay. "I'm here love just tell me what happened. I can't help you if you don't talk to me."

I let out another shaky sob and try my hardest to tell him. "He..he kiss..heee kissedd me" I manage to sob out. I felt his body go rigid at my words, the tender arms that where around me turning hard.

He pulls away from me slowly but doesn't fully break contact, leaving his hands on either side of me on my shoulders. He looks intently at me, a fire blazing behind his eyes. "He's never going to lay a hand on you again. I promise!"

With that he gets up from the chair keys clutched firmly in his hand and disappears behind me. I flinch as I hear the door slamming shut behind me and another tear slips down my cheek. The car screeches out of the drive way soon after and I know he's gone.

Feeling drained I make my way to the couch and wrap myself in a blanket hoping to ease myself to a sleep that doesn't come. I silently let the tears fall and wait for a Travis to return.

Super late update! Sorry guys I know this chapter is long over due !!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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