Chapter 16:

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Nat's POV:

No fucking way! How the hell did I not see this coming.

Tris and Justin.



What. The. Hell.

I'm seriously trying to wrap my brain around this right now. I can't remember them ever showing signs of liking each other, I really can't.

"Hey, Nat, are you ok?" Tris asked me. "Please, be okay with this."

"I'm fine!" I snapped. I didn't realize I had been so harsh with that but seeing her surprised face made me soften. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Look, I'm sorry, Tris. Its just that I'm a little surprised. Kind of hurt as well, to tell you the truth. You're both my friends and I'm finding out about this now. You guys should of told me. It's gonna take some getting used to but I'll try, okay?"

They both smiled at me and nodded.

"Thanks, boo. I'm sorry we didn't say anything sooner," Tris said. She went over the table and gave me a small hug.

When she pulled away I looked over at Justin and gave him a look, squinting my eyes and raising an eyebrow at him trying to figure him out. He was never the type of guy for relationships, his girlfriends usually lasted no more than a month or so. I typed a 'we need to talk' message and sent it to him. He read it and nodded at me.

"Why are you guys looking at each other like that?" Tris asked, looking in between me and him.

"No reason, just trying to see how I missed this." She chuckled at me and then went back to eating.

Lunch ended soon after and we all went our separate ways. Except for Justin and Tris, they went together, holding hands along the way. This is going to take some major getting used to.

The rest of the day went by normally. Nothing else ruined my day, bringing a smile to my face. Not only am I happy my day is getting better, but it's also time for Travis's class, which makes me even happier. I should probably start thinking of him as Mr. Knight during school hours, I might end up accidentally calling him Travis.

As I entered his class, I noticed he wasn't in there. I was hoping he would be here so I could be alone with him for at least a little while before the students start coming in. I had made sure I would be the first one here and he had to ruin it.

Sighing, I took my usual seat in the front and took out my phone. I started reading to pass the time. When the door opened, I hoped it was him but it ended up being a student.

Almost all the students had arrived and he was still not here. I was beginning to worry a bit. Where the hell is he? All of my worries vanished when he walked through the door, a smile on his face. What the hell is he smiling about? My earlier worries where replaced with new ones. Was he with someone? Why would he be smiling like that. Oh my gosh! I'm turning into one of those girls.

"Hello, class. Sorry for my tardiness. Today we're watching a movie on North Korea and the way their economic system differs from ours. So take out a piece of paper to take important notes on the movie. By the end of the movie, you will need to have at least 20 facts," Travis said to the class. He then went to the tv and plugged the movie in.

"Miss Miller, can you turn the lights off?" he asked. He hadn't bothered to even look at me while doing so, it kinda hurt.

"Sure," I said, sighing. I got up and made my way to the other side of the room to flip the light switch. The room was engulfed with darkness, once flipped. Out of all people, he had to pick me. There's a kid sitting right next to the damn thing, for crying out loud.

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