Chapter 28:

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Nat's POV:

"Do you really need to go?" Travis asked me, his bottom lip sticking out a bit in a pouty manner.

"Yeah," I sighed. I was saying yeah but my body was saying no. I clung to him, not wanting to let go.

"Please stay," he said, bringing his head down and placing it at the crook of my neck. His breath fanning my skin sent shivers through me.

"I cant. I need to straighten things out with my father. Plus, we have school tomorrow," I said, running my fingers through his hair.

"Fine," he sighed. "You better let go of me before I take you to my room and lock you inside."

Chuckling, I unwrapped my arms from around him and went to collect my things. The clothes I wore the previous day were ruined so I just threw those away. I'm now wearing one of Travis's T-shirts and some of his boxers. I probably looked like I just had sex but to be quite frank, I didn't really give two shits. What my parents thought of me didn't really phase me any more.

"I'm going to miss you," Travis said, coming up behind me as I grabbed my car keys. I couldn't tell if he was talking about today or for when I move.

"It's only a couple hours. I'll see you tomorrow," I said, turning around and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, you most definitely will."

"I'll figure it out, okay?" I said, giving him a sad smile. I left it at that and stepped beside him, walking towards the door, not wanting to talk about the matter further.

"I'm walking you out," he said, trailing behind me.

"I expected nothing less." Slipping my hand in his, I let him lead me to my car. I watched him take the keys from me, then unlocking it, he opened the door for me. I slipped in, my hand still in his.

"Drive safely and please, for the love of god, don't ever drink that much again. I don't ever want to feel that way again, okay?" He trailed his finger down my cheek, setting on my bottom lip.

"I won't. Thank you, Trav, for everything. I'm serious, I've put you through a lot of shit and I'm sorry." I took his hand in mine and kissed his palm. He smiled and I swear the way he was looking at me made me feel like I was some prized possession.

"Bye, dear. I love you," he said before giving my forehead a kiss.

"I love you too."

He closed my door and I was then driving away from his house, towards mine. I'm not looking forward to having this discussion, not at all.

I arrived home in what felt like five minutes. I was dreading this moment. Getting out of my car, I went to the front door and unlocked it. I'm not sure what I expected to find once inside but it was definitely not what it was.

Once inside, I was greeted with silence. It's not until I walked into the living room that I was met with familiar faces. Thankfully, it was only my father and mother sitting and discussing God knows what.

"Well, I'm here." I made myself known.

"Sit, Natalia, we have some things we need to talk about," my father spoke up. He straightened his back up more than it already was and then continued once he saw I wasn't going to sit."The move date is set for a month from now, so in April. Your mother and I have decided that since you graduate in May, you can stay here with your sister while both me and your mother get things straightened in Mexico. But after that, it will be mandatory that both you and your sister come and live with us."

The way he was speaking to me was like he speaks to his clients, clipped and professional. I felt disgusted, I can remember a time where he was actually a father, not this... thing. Daniel Scott Miller, a brown haired, brown eyed man. He's tall and built slightly, not enough to look like he works out but just enough to please the eye. He started out as a regular factory worker for planes, one big break and he then started managing it. Who would have thought things would turn out like this?

The father he is now is not the father I remember and for that reason, I couldn't accept his words, I wouldn't.

"With all do respect, sir, I do believe it's my choice whether I move or not. I do not wish to go to college in Mexico. So with that said, I decline your "oh so very thoughtful" offer. I'll be staying here," I said just as professionally, not showing any emotion. I'm not sure when I had decided I would stay but saying it out loud felt good. I felt empowered.

"Natalia Marie Miller! You are a part of this family and you will do as you're told. It would look bad on us if we let you stay here and not accompany us," my mothers voice scolded me like usual.

And like my father, there was also a time when she was motherly. Elizabeth Miller, brown chocolate waves, curvy figure that could please any mans eyes and big hazel eyes that could kill. She was a sweet and cheerful mother, always tucking us into bed and playing around with us. She was a cook, loved making food that would please everyone. Once dad got the promotion and was always jetting of to Mexico, he felt bad and got her her own restaurant. The cooking stopped and then she stopped going all together. She has some people running the place for her now. It's hard to remember those times now.

"With all due respect, mother, it's my choice and its final." I went to turn away from both of them but my fathers words stopped me mid step.

"Indeed it is. But its a choice we will not be funding. So I'd like to know how you plan on paying for school and for the place where you will be staying, as well as the food." He sounded cocky and very sure of himself. If he thinks he has gotten me with this he doesn't know his own daughter.

"I'll find a way!" was all I said before turning around and heading back upstairs to my room.

I think I've figured out a way to stay. Now all I have to do is put things in motion.

As promised the next chapter :)

Almost at 15k ahhh!!! I'm excited thank you guys for reading! Please leave any comments about the book and please keep voting.

All the love from me and hope all of you are having good holidays!


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