Chapter 9:

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This is for the two girls who asked for the update. I usually update once a week but here you guys go I hope I don't disappoint :)

Nat's POV:

I was raging, right now, I was way past the point of being sad or disappointed. That mother of a twit, two-timing, bitch. I couldn't tell if I was more disappointed in myself for thinking it was all real and not a one time thing, or him, who's my teacher and decided to cheat with a student. Like seriously, this is so messed up.

I wish I could say that, just like that, all my feelings for him vanished, but I can't, I'd be lying if I did. I wanted him more than ever, actually. I've never been the jealous type but at this very moment, I was jealous of the bitch inside his room. I was jealous that she got to have him and I couldn't. But most of all, I was jealous of her being able to call him her's while, I got stuck with the title of teacher. Why is life so cruel?

I think this is the fastest I've ever walked. I was out of his building and going through the next, to head to the parking lot in record time. I was too lost in thought to remember if I ran or not. Jeez, I'm going mental.

There wasn't any point of speeding now, I was definitely in the clear, so I slowed to a walk. As it turns out, I was deeper in my thoughts than I realized. I hadn't heard my name being shouted or the footsteps coming up behind me, until now.

"Nat, stop! Hey stop it! Listen to me." Of course, it had to be him. I wanted to be mad, but in the back of my head, I was going to mush at the thought of him coming after me. I never stopped though, I was still beyond pissed.

"Darling, please!" he attempted again. I still kept on walking, well I did, until his hand grabbed my wrist and made me stop.

"Don't touch me!" I said, yanking my hand away.

"It's not what it looks like... just let me explain, please." I knew I should let him but I didn't want to at that moment. This gave me a reason to run and that's what I did best, so I took the easy way out.

"That's rich, Mr.Knight, real rich. Any more used out lines you want to try on me? If not, I'd like to go home." His face crumbled at my harsh tone but not even that could make me change my mind.

"Come to my class tomorrow morning, before students pile in. I'll explain everything then. Please, just give me this chance!" His eyes never left mine as he spoke. They were filled with a sadness and remorse that I've never seen before and it cracked my hardened shell. He then leaned down, brushed a kiss across my cheek, and then walked away. I brought my hand up to touch the spot his lips were previously on and smiled a sad smile.

As much as his sadness killed me, this was his doing, so was I going to come tomorrow? Hell no!

The drive home was a long one. A five-minute trip felt like 15 instead. But finally, I was home. Alone. Suddenly, I wasn't in the mood to be here anymore. Sad part was I had nobody to call who could come over. My sister was out, doing her after school sports, so was Lori, and so was Tris. Yup, I'm completely alone and lazy. Only one in the group who doesn't play or go outside, sad, really.

Sighing deeply, I went upstairs and took a long and needed shower. I was in there for about an hour, when I heard the door bell ring. Great, people selling stuff, ruin my peace. I was planning to ignore it but the more I ignored it the more they rang the bell and the less patient I became. So reluctantly, I got out and dried myself off. Putting on a bra and undies, I covered myself with an oversized T-shirt and went to get the door.

In front of my door, stood my ex, Jesse Cox, the school's stupidest, most indecisive athlete. This guy right here has done every sport the school has to offer and is good at all of them. Yet he couldn't stick to one. It is senior year and he's still undecided.

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