" It really was the best day of my life "

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A cold gust of air weaved throughout the towering sturdy polls of metal. Each flurry hitting against my shivering body, leaving behind a blanket of numbing air. My small figure shaking from the cold winter breath. Toes rapped around the sharp steal edge of the bridge. Do it.. what are you waiting for.. jump. A sharp pounding pain echoed throughout my skull. Brutal slurs ringing in my head. They won't shut up. A shakey breath escapes my lips. I don't want to do it.. but it's best if I do. The faint voice of my farther shouting drunken slurs in my head starts to grow louder. His deafening thruthful slurs growing louder and louder. How do you run from what's inside your head ?  I peer over the edge. A rageful dark sea just waiting to absorb my frail body. What happens if I let darkness consume me. My body starts to collapse under the weight of my weak knees. Slowly heavy sobs escape my mouth causing my fail body to fall to my knees. As my howls grew louder so did my will to leave this planet. The incising ruff waves of the ocean were calling me. Silence. I've imagined my death a million times, now why now is it so hard to do. I never did say goodbye. I'm guessing it's because it wouldn't  have been the kind of goodbye that effortlessly rolls of my tongue - instead, it would be the kind that gets caught in the back of the throat and tastes of sadness and pain. As I feel the life draining out of me through the lakes trickling down my face, my slumped over body is falling closer and closer to the edge of the red bridge. Suddenly I feel a supply of warmth coming from my shoulder. A hand placed on my shoulder full of life and worry. My eyes trail up to see a young boy, around my age standing above me. He kneels down to my height, " are you alright ?" I wanted to talk about it. Dammit. I wanted to scream, I wanted to yell. I wanted to shout about it. But all I could do was whisper "I'm fine." But my lies were seen through. Moments later I was i engulfed into the boys embrace. Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and fall down my cheek. And boy, was that all i needed in that moment. It really was the best day of my life.

Thank you all for reading this short story ! I wrote this when i was in year eight and i have decided to publish it now ! This short story was for a task we had to do in class. Please let me know if you liked the story and i hope you all had an amazing day ! Love you all, bye !

- Isabelladreamz

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