Chapter One

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Scarlett's pov

Another day without my mate ughhh, I have been looking for my mate for 5 excruciating long years. You see I have always been the girl who will never be herself until she has her mate, yeah I know a great reputation to have. I'm very emotional person and for as long as I can remember I have wanted someone made just for me. Anyway I have a pretty good life you could say I was the most popular girl in high school and I had an excellence average and was voted dux for my school and I was going to be a pack doctor but my parents thought Me being an Alphas daughter I shouldn't be as low as a pack doctor, stuck up much. Yeah you guess it my parents are pretty controlling but I've grown up with it so I'm used to it and it's okay because it gives me time to look for my mate, I know I am pretty obsessed with the idea of a mate. Well I have to get out of my bed eventually don't I?. I go have a shower wash my hair with vanilla shampoo and conditioner then step out of the shower. I get changed into a grey lacey play-suit(photo below)

I run downstairs to go and see my best friend Daniel wait waiting for me"Hey Scar""Hey Dani" I say while giving him a bone crushing hug

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I run downstairs to go and see my best friend Daniel wait waiting for me
"Hey Scar"
"Hey Dani" I say while giving him a bone crushing hug.
"So what are we doing today?" I ask
"I thought we could go on a run"
" Oh shit you could have told me this earlier so I didn't get changed" I groan
"In my defendece I'm wearing my workout gear so I thought you would pick up on it" he says with his hands held up I just scoff at him while going upstairs to change into my workout gear(Photo down below )

"So what are we doing today?" I ask"I thought we could go on a run"" Oh shit you could have told me this earlier so I didn't get changed" I groan "In my defendece I'm wearing my workout gear so I thought you would pick up on it" he says with his h...

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I rush back downstairs and head out with Daniel.

Few hours later back at home

I enter my house laughing with Daniel I was laughing because while running he fell in a puddle and it was so funny. But then I notice the atmosphere in the room and instanly stop laughing. I notice Mum and Dad are sitting down looking very serious.

"Mum, Dad what's going on? Are you guys okay?"
" Daniel would you mind leaving for this" my Dad says politely
Daniel nods and exits my house.
"What's going on seriously?" I ask nervous

"Scarlett you know We love you and this is all for your best interest"
"What are you saying Mum"
"Your Father and I have met a lovely Alpha who's mate has died and he has offered you a position as his Luna"
I'm in shock I never though my parents would do this to me.
"What about me, WHAT ABOUT MY MATE!" I shout on the verge of tears, Im so upset because this is a very sensitive subject for me
"Honey just calm down he's a lovely young man and would be great for you and you've been looking for your mate for 5 years it's time to settle down " my mother says trying to calm me, at this point I'm in tears
"Now Scarlett stop being irrational your 21 you should have meet your mate by now"
"No, NO, I'm leaving I can't deal with you guys"
I burst out the door crying my eyes out, I hear people yelling my name telling me to come back but I ignore them and just keep running away from everything. Running clears my head.

2 hours later...

I get tired and find a nice log to go and sit down on. I start thinking about everything that just happened. How could my own parents want me to be with someone who isn't my mate. Suddenly my wolf, Ashley starts pacing around in my mind, begging to be let free,its properly me thinking about my mate which is getting her riled up, I simply block her out continue thinking about all my problems when suddenly a strong pair of arms wrap around me I start screaming but there hand is around my mouth. It's a mans scent and it's amazing my wolf is yelling "MATE MATE MATE" at me I'm happy, excited even until he's says something that sends chills down my back and changes my emotions completely.

"I found you my little mate"

I become over welmed very quickly and pass out.

Still Scarlett pov

I wake up in an amazing bedroom that smells heavenly I sit up and process my surroundings un aware of why I am here. Then suddenly it hits me this is my mates/kidnappers room. Oh no oh no what am I going to do? Mums going to be so worried I should have never left. All these thoughts race through my head until I hear the door creek open and I get hit with HIS smell. He struts in sporting a smirk. I start looking at him. He has gorgeous brown hair, a 6 pack, is like 6 foot 5 and on top of that is really fit and has killer museles. Wait snap out of it this man kidnapped you. I finally get enough courage to speak.
"I don't know who you are but you better take me home right now"
He chuckles
"Awh that's so cute babe, but to your dismay that isn't going to happen, see you have to stay with me since your MY mate"
"You can't just take me from my family you bastard"
He gets annoyed when I call him a bastard
"Now my little mate I do not appreciate it when you call me such things remember I have control in this situation, do not cross my boundaries"
I start getting more frustrated with him. We where supposed to meet romantically not when he kidnaps me a holds me prisoner.
"Right now it isn't about you and you stupid boundaries. LET ME GO BEFORE I REJECT YOU AND YOUR FUCKING BOUNDRIES"I yell fuming
His eyes turn black and he slowly stalks his way over towards me, Oh shit I think I went to far. I start trying to redeem myself.
" I'm sorry I never would do that"
" oh I know you wouldn't I think you forgot who your talking to"
At this point he's now on top of me are lips centimetres away from each other
" I am King Alexander Xavier Schulz King of all Alphas and the moon goddess has made you for me you will be my queen, my mate, my lover, my wife and mother to my pups and you will love me "
He pauses then looks down at my lips then he suddenly changes his mood and says
"You do things to me that you will never be aware of but remember this I control everything"
I listen intently hanging onto any word that comes out his mouth I'm mesmerised but him and his beautiful  ocean blue eyes.
He then quickly pulls me onto his lap so I'm straddling him I gasp feeling he hardened member beneath my core. He leans into my ear and coos to me
"Be careful mate, don't disrespect me because because I have the power in this situation, in one second I could have you pinned up against that wall"
He pauses and points to a wall before continuing "Screaming my name as I continuously pump into you"
I'm in shock as he smirks then picks me up of his lap and places me on the bed then stands up and acts like nothing out of the ordinary happens he pauses by the door then says to me. Fucking bipolar bitch
"I'll get you some food then we can can have some" he pauses for a moment unsure of what to say.
" Bonding time"
He then glides out of the room to go get food and as I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. This man is going to be the death of me.

I shift my weight side to side unsure what to do while he's away I finally decide on having a nap.

Hi everyone. Just some things you should know is that I am a New Zealander so even though I imagine this book in America or Canada I will still be using my normal words . Btw straight excellences are like a's for you and dux is like the top student. If you have any questions further in on what things mean ask me and I can help. Remember I'm not perfect so please no hate.

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