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Lizzy sat on the lid of the toilet, waiting for the test to reveal her fate. Lizzy looked at the clock. She had to wait only a mere three minutes more, but to her, each minute was like an hour. She realized time went by slowly when one is waiting for something, especially something as nerve-racking at this.

Lizzy thought back to that special night she and her husband Hunter had had. It wasn't a special occasion, just a nice romantic night for the both of them. Ever since then Lizzy had known things were different...something in her gut told her that things were about to change in a really good way.

Lizzy looked at the clock. Those three minutes went by faster than she thought. She ran a hand through her brown hair, reluctant to look at the test. Lizzy turned her head towards the counter. She stood up and walked on the tile floor. She looked down at the pregnancy test. It was a pink plus sign which she knew meant that she was definitely pregnant. Tears ran down her face and she wrapped up tests in toilet paper which just seemed to be the sanitary thing to do. She eyed herself in the mirror and looked at her flat stomach which would soon be bulging with a baby a few months from now.

Her husband was in rehearsals for his new show and would be home later in the afternoon. How would she tell him? How would he take it? Lizzy waited patiently on the couch, for her husband to return and when she heard the door open, she turned her head towards the door.

"Hey, sweetie I'm home," Hunter shouted into the apartment. As much as he loved his job, he couldn't wait to get back to his apartment to be with Lizzy.

"I'm watching the news in the living room. Come cuddle with me." Lizzy shouted back.

Hunter walked up behind the couch, unbeknownst to his wife and placed a soft kiss on her head.

"So how was rehearsal?" asked Lizzy trying not to reveal her exciting news.

"It was alright. I can't wait for you to see it." Hunter plopped down on the couch next to Lizzy, as she cuddled deeply into his armpit.

"What is it?" Hunter said knowing that something was up and this wasn't Lizzy's usual 'happy you're home' smile, "Why are you so happy?"

"I'm pregnant," Lizzy stated matter of factly, trying not to crack.

Suddenly, Hunter stiffened and held Lizzy back by her shoulders, looking hard into her eyes.

"Wait, are you serious?" he enunciated, slowly.

"Yep, I am, we're gonna have a baby!" she said, her smile growing ever wider.

He passed his hand over her smooth stomach; a smile broke out on his face and placed a passionate kiss on her lips.

With utter glee, they looked at each other and exclaimed, "We're going to be parents!"

Hunter pulled her tightly against his chest, feeling a few tears slip from his eyes and roll down his cheeks, falling into her hair. Lizzy couldn't stop smiling.

Hunter beamed and cupped her face in his large hands, wiping away a few of the fallen happy tears off her cheeks. He continued to rub his hand across her belly, the smile never leaving his face.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" He asked, kissing her cheek tenderly.

"I don't know," she smiled, her hand on top of his on her belly. "All I know is that I really don't want to refer to the baby as 'it'. He or she is a little person, not a thing." she blushed, pressing a kiss to his lips softly.

"Then what do you suppose we do about that? Give our little baby a nickname or something....?"

"That sounds like a great idea," she nodded with a smile. "Hmmm... we need a gender neutral nickname..." she thought for a moment. "It has to be like Jellybean or something," she giggled, taking his hand and lacing their fingers. "What do you think?" she asked for his opinion, squeezing his hand.

Hunter beamed, shrugging a bit. "I don't know I mean I like maybe Bug or...Peanut." He smirked to himself, running his hand over her belly again.

"Peanut. I like it," she nodded, raking her fingers through his hair with a smile.

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