A Peanut No More

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Lizzy hit her fourth month faster than she thought. "HUNTER GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" yelled Lizzy and Hunter came running to the bedroom.

"What is it? Do you need something? Ice cream? Strawberries? Is the baby ok? Oh my god something's wrong, isn't it?!' said Hunter

"Hunter, the baby is just fine." said Lizzy, "Breathe!"

"I'm sorry I just panicked 'cause you never shout like that," said Hunter "why did you call me, anyway?"

"Because I want to show you something," said Lizzy and she pulled her shirt up to reveal a slight baby bump.

"Is that a little bump I see!?'' said Hunter mesmerized and he picked her up and pressed his lips on hers.

"Yeah well don't get too excited in a few months I'll look like a whale and then you won't be so happy anymore," said Lizzy

"Would you stop? You're beautiful." Hunter said, pushing a stray strand of hair behind Lizzy's ear.

"Well, I don't feel very beautiful." Lizzy sighed dejectedly.

Hunter reached over, planting a series of soft kisses on her neck. He kissed his way up to that special spot behind her ear, smiling when his wife let out a soft sigh. He ran his hands through her hair and then brought them forward to gently cup her face. Breaking off their kiss, he slowly pulled his lips from Lizzy's so that he could look her in the eyes for a moment.

"You are so goddamn beautiful and I don't want you to ever think differently! I don't care if you gain 100 lbs. and your entire body swells up like a balloon. I will still think you are the most beautiful girl in the world, and that makes me the luckiest guy in the world because you're mine." Hunter said, punctuating each sentence with soft kisses. Hunter started lightly stroking Lizzy's small, barely visible, baby bump.

"Hi little one I am so happy you are finally showing yourself to the world a little more and you'll only show yourself more and more and I can't wait for that." and he pressed another kiss on her stomach. He pressed his forehead against Lizzy's.

"I love you so much," said Hunter

"I love you too," said Lizzy smiling, as she grabbed her purse and keys. Hunter followed out the door. Lizzy had a doctor's appointment. This appointment was a big one too. It was the first one where they might be able to determine the gender of their baby. They two of them had been back and forth as to whether or not they actually wanted to find out. They had decided to wait until the actual appointment and make the final decision then.

"Hunter, I'm anxious," said Lizzy sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office,

Hunter knew that Lizzy's ambivalence of wanting to know the sex of her baby wasn't the thing that was making her nervous, but that's what she was channeling it into.

He grabbed her hand. "Liz, I'm going to be right here with you, okay?"

She nodded, but didn't look all that convinced, so he kissed her. Just a soft peck on the lips.

"So, are we finding out today?" He asked, trying to get her focused on not being nervous.

"Yeah, I think so." She said hesitantly. "But it's got to be our secret, okay? Well, ours and Mary's. I promised I'd tell her."

"Anything you want babe."

Lizzy heard her name called next, but Hunter had to practically push her into the room. Even though she'd done this before, she was still nervous and this time they'd be leaving there knowing if their baby is a little girl or boy.

Lizzy sat on the special chair and held Hunter's hand so tight that was convinced it was going to fall off. He tried to pull his hand free, but she grabbed it tighter, holding it with both of her own.

"It's going to be fine." He said for the millionth time and she relaxed a little this time.

The door opened and the doctor appeared with a few papers in her hands.

"So, it's a big day today... if you want it to be." The doctor declared, and Lizzy's grip on Hunter's hand tightened again. She smiled weakly at the doctor.

"Yes, we want it to be." Lizzy looked to Hunter for reassurance, as he kissed the back of her hand.

"Okay then, let's get started." The doctor exclaimed, moving Lizzy's chair into the right position. "It's going to be cold, as usual." She said, squirting the blue gel onto Lizzy's stomach.

She jumped a little at the sensation, but calmed down a few seconds later when the blurry black and white image of their baby was displayed on the monitor.

"Okay," the doctor reassured the first time parents, "the baby looks fine. Perfect in fact."

Lizzy let out a breath as she looked towards the monitor, trying to figure out if she can tell the sex of their baby before the doctor announces it.

"Well congratulations," the doctor said and Lizzy held Hunter's hand tighter. "Looks like you're having a baby girl!"

The rest felt like a blur. The doctor excused herself and then there was lots of hugging and kisses. Lizzy pulled Hunter into her, clasping her hands in his as they both looked at the monitor. He reached up and wiped a tear from her face, she smiled at him as he did so.

"A baby girl." She uttered, but not really to anyone in particular.

"Yeah." Hunter proclaimed back and Lizzy started tearing again. He just pulled her closer.

"I'm so excited." She said and he nodded because he definitely felt the same way. "What are we going to call her? We got to go get some more clothes. We're going to have to plan a baby naming and see if Rabbi Eddie's available. We got to girlify the nursery. There's just so much that needs to get done"

Hunter chuckled at Lizzy's rambling, which she was not known to do often. "What!?" she said as if she was annoyed. Hunter took the opportunity to kiss her deeply.

"Oh nothing I just love you, that's all" He kissed her again because he honestly didn't think he loved her as much as he did right then. "And our little girl," he said placing his hand on her stomach.

"I love you both of you too" She choked out, rubbing her stomach.

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