Almost Ruined Evening

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Mary wiped her hands on a towel as she finished putting the finishing touches on dinner. It had been almost six months since she and Chandler had had a romantic dinner together. She hoped that chili and homemade dinner rolls would do the trick.

Just as Mary started placing silverware and napkins out on the table, she heard her phone buzz. Mary smiled, hoping that he was calling to say he was on his way home. Instead it was just a text message.

Hey, sweetie. How's everything at home?

Everything's great, Mary fibbed. James is asleep. You coming home soon?

Oh babe, it's going to be a late night. Promise I'll be home as soon as I can.

Mary clicked the lighter and decided to light the candle on the table after all. Heck if she couldn't have a romantic night with Chandler then she may as well still get some of the perks: candlelit dinner and glasses of wine. As Mary poured herself a glass of wine, she pulled out her cell and texted Lizzy.

Can u come over? Need friend.

Almost immediately Lizzy responded with a sure.

A few minutes later the door opened, "Hey Mary I'm here. Where are you?" Lizzy hollered.

"In the kitchen," Mary yelled back, taking a sip of wine.

Lizzy approached her friend. The scene before her spoke volumes. There were two bowls of chili on the table, one partially eaten. A lit candle and a bottle of wine sat open in front of Mary. Lizzy's heart broke a little at the sight of her friend so upset.

"What happened?" Lizzy asks as she sits down next to Mary and takes the wine away.

Mary sobs. "Tonight I thought that because Chandler and I both weren't too busy for the first time in a while we'd have time for a meal together and instead he's at work. We haven't had a romantic evening together since before James was born. I am feeling just a little forgotten." Mary wiped her nose with a napkin.

"Well, we both know that could never happen. He loves you, you know that. I definitely don't think he means it. He's probably just stressed. I mean you do have a six-month-old and he's got a demanding job. I wouldn't be surprised if that's all this is." Lizzy reassures her friend.

"If he was stressed wouldn't he have told me about it?"

"Not necessarily. Hunter doesn't always tell me. I think it's some macho thing." The two girls laughed breaking the gloomy mood in the apartment

"Do you want some chili?" Mary half smiled, changing the subject, still not totally reassured.

"Sure, I'd love some"

Later that night Mary found herself in the middle of a beautiful dream where she and Chandler were just sitting down by the Hudson River, having a picnic, like they used to back when they were dating. Suddenly she got pulled from her dream by the sound of someone coming in the bedroom door.

"You're home," Mary said groggily once she realized it was Chandler.

"Yeah," Chandler whispered as he stepped to her side of the bed, trying to place a kiss on her forehead before she turned away from him; after all, she was mad at him.Chandler decided to let her head cool before getting into bed. Slipping into bed, Chandler attempted a forgiveness kiss again and this time the anger started to melt away really quickly with the taste of his familiar kiss. Mary returned the kiss with almost as much passion as Chandler.

"We ok now?"

"Yeah, I was just really hoping to have a nice sit-down dinner together, you know just the two of us. And then you had to go and be working late"

"Honey, I'm sorry," Just then they were interrupted by the all too familiar sounds of parenthood. James, demanding attention in the only way he knew how, crying.

"I'll get him. You need the break, go back to sleep." Chandler whispered to Mary as he sat up in bed.

Mary snuggled back into bed and tried to fall back asleep; hoping tomorrow would be a better day. However, a sound prevented her from sleeping. Mary lay in bed and listened to the baby monitor, hearing Chandler singing a lullaby to James, trying to soothe him back to sleep.

Close your eyes,

Have no fear,

The monsters gone,

He's on the run and your daddy's here,


Beautiful, beautiful,

Beautiful Boy,

Before you go to sleep,

Say a little prayer,

Every day in every way,

It's getting better and better,


Beautiful, beautiful,

Beautiful boy

Mary smiled to herself as she listened through the baby monitor. Just as Chandler ended the lullaby, Mary decided she could no longer be mad at him. Sure he had missed a romantic evening, but he had definitely made up for it now. 

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