A Night Out

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Mary sat nervously next to her husband in the back of the cab. For such a garrulous person, Chandler was being especially mum about their date. It made Mary nervous and excited all at the same time. She still couldn't believe that the great, handsome, loving man sitting next to her was all hers for life.

"Chandler, so what's this new project you are working on so diligently these days?" Mary asked, trying to break the silence.

"Well, it's a TV show about teenagers with superpowers that go to a normal high school. At first, I thought it was a crazy story idea but, when I saw how it was written I loved it." Chandler replied clearly trying to contain his excitement.

"Is anyone I know going to be in it?"

"Well, Freddie," he paused "Smith is playing the science teacher." said Chandler, acting as if Mary didn't know which Freddie he was referring to.

Of course, Mary knew who he was. Although Mary loved Chandler's friend, Freddie she tried not to think too much about the kissing scenes they had done together back when they played husbands on daytime TV. The upside was that Freddie's wife, Alyssa was a theatre fan and the girls had hung out when they were all dating. But Alyssa would fit in nicely with all their New York friends.

"It must be nice getting to work with him again. It's been awhile since you last saw each other right?"

"I haven't seen him since the wedding, babe. So it was nice when he called two weeks ago and he agreed to do the show. It'll be nice seeing each other every day again and it'll be great to have him and Alyssa in the city "

"We almost there yet?" Mary asked, wanting to change the subject back to them. After all, it was their night.

"Almost," said Chandler with a smile and a light peck on Mary's cheek.

"Great. I am hungry. I haven't eaten since breakfast."

"WHAT?! Mar, you know that is not a good idea, especially with your diabetes."

"Chandler, I'm fine. Some days I don't always get to eat lunch because I'm so busy with James and well he comes first." Mary replies with a hint of exasperation.

"What's wrong? Is it something I did?" Chandler asked, trying to pull his wife into his side for a hug. He had sensed from the start of their journey that Mary was still slightly irritated at him for his lack of attention lately. He really hoped that his plan would work.

The cab came to a stop at an entrance to Central Park and Chandler handed him the money for the fare. Grabbing Mary's hand he pulled her gently out of the cab and wrapped his arm around her back. Mary released some of her pent up tension and allowed herself to be led to where ever they were going.

On the ground by some oak trees lay a blanket. It was one of Mary's blankets that she had brought from home when she had moved. This particular one, Mary's mom had crocheted. On top of the blanket sat a basket, presumably full of food. Little did Mary know but Chandler had gotten his secretary to set up the spread in the park before they got there. In an instant Mary knew that it was a recreation of their first date, the thought of which made her smile. She doubted that in the 4 years since their first date Chandler would have remembered what he did for her.

"Your dinner awaits, my dear," Chandler says as he pretends to be a waiter ushering her to her table. The smile on his face made the dark night seem not so dark.

"What are you serving?" Mary asked, coyly playing along.

"Well, there is some lasagna and a salad. Both of which were made by none other than yours truly." Chandler grinned as he sat down next to her on the blanket.

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