Holiday windows

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"I always love the holiday season in New York," "When I was younger, my mom always used to take my brother and me to see the window displays in the city around this time. I haven't done that in so long. Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we see if Mary Chandler and James can come with us one night." exclaimed Lizzy, as she sat in her apartment on chilly December early afternoon.

The other end of the line rang twice before a familiar female voice picked up the phone.


"Hey Lizzy. What are you up to?"

"Nothing much. Hunter and I are just relaxing, deciding what we want to do and we wanted to ask you guys out for a double date some night this week to go check out the holiday decorations around the city."

"Yeah, that would be great! I know I am free towards the end of the week but let me check with Chandler and we'll get back to you guys."


"Well, I'll give you a call tonight after I ask Chandler what night works best for him, but it shouldn't be a big deal to find a free night for the both of us."

"Talk to you later"

"Yeah, see ya soon."

"Mary said she would check with Chandler about a night they were both free and call us."

Mary had texted that night and the date was set for Monday. It was Hunter's day off from the show and it worked perfectly for Mary and Chandler. They planned to meet around 6 just as it was starting to get dark. They figured they'd see the sights and then grab some dinner

Monday arrived before they knew it. Chandler was meeting them after work, while the other three plus James shared a cab to Rockafeller Center. All through the city, a light dandruff like snow started falling lightly, softly, onto the gray sidewalk.

"What prompted this outing?" asked Chandler.

"Well, when I was younger my mom used to take my younger brother and me to the windows at Saks and Lord & Taylor and the tree at Rockefeller Center. I thought it would fun to do it together and since it's James' first NYC holiday season. I know it's kinda corny and very touristy but..."

"No it's cute." interrupted Hunter, giving her a peck on the nose.

Each couple walked hand in hand across 6th Avenue to Rockefeller Center, making small talk about various goings on in their lives and making jokes. They made their way through the crowded block, avoiding all the tourists taking pictures of the big tree. In the bustle of it, many people were about getting some last minute holiday shopping done. It was rather cold out that night and so the girls were unusually close to their boys. They wandered over to the railing around the plaza in order to take in all their surroundings. The railing in the center of the plaza was the best spot. They could see the tree and also look at all the people ice skating below. It was almost a magical spot that reminded people of the best parts of the holiday. After a few minutes of people watching, Liz broke the silence.

"Know what I've missed since living in the city..."

"What's that, sweetie" replied Chandler

"The stars. The city lights are always blocking them. Back in Kansas, you can walk out and the night sky is full of them. I use to go in the middle of our field and just listen to music and gaze at the stars all night long."

"Doesn't it make you feel so alone sometimes?"

"Yeah, it used to. Not anymore though." Mary said looking at Chandler and then at a sleeping James nestled snuggly in to her chest.

Chandler pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her forehead.

Lizzy moved her hand from out of her jacket pocket and pointed up into the sky. "Look, a star."

Everybody looked in the direction Lizzy was pointing and indeed there between two buildings was a lonely star. She quickly closed her eyes. After a few moments, she looked at Hunter. "Did you make a wish?"

Hunter was smiling. He put his hand on the side of her face and pulled her in for a kiss. "I don't have to. I have everything I could ever need right here," placing a hand on her belly.

Lizzy wrapped her arm around Hunter's neck and pulled him closer. "Me too."

The crowd at L&T was really small since all the families with their kids had left. The foursome started at the beginning and made their way passed the windows, not really paying attention. Lord & Taylor's windows celebrated the U.S. Postal Service's years of commitment to delivering mail. The windows were snapshots of the ways that the Postal Service has made it possible for people to stay connected and how it brings joy to people's lives. Each window related a milestone by portraying the different ways the Postal Service delivered mail throughout history - by horse, steamboat, stagecoach, steam locomotive, plane, and truck.

During the 10 or so blocks, the four walked hand in hand, laughing and discussing plans for the holidays.

"This year Christmas and Hanukkah almost overlap. I think we'll go visit my parents for a night of Hanukkah and then since I can't get on a plane Hunter's whole family is coming for a visit and we're going to spend a few days in the Berkshires where we rented a house."

"That sounds great. I'm excited to have James' first Christmas. It's our first Christmas as a family. And I think my parents are coming up for a visit before the new year. I'm sure they'll be spoiling their first grandchild with lots of gifts" added Chandler.

When they finally reached Saks Fifth Avenue, they walked past the windows that were based on a new children's book, which told a story about Santa's daughter Chrissy and her quest to save Christmas from big business.

"I'm freezing. It's chill in the wind," said Lizzy as her teeth chattered. Hunter cuddled up to Lizzy trying to produce some body heat. "...but it's warm in your arms," whispered Lizzy into Hunter's ear, as Mary and Chandler copied and walked side-by-side. Hunter smiled and wrapped his arms around Lizzy, hugging her tightly. 

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