A First Picture

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"Hunter!" Lizzy called from the living room, "are you almost ready to go? We have to go to the doctor's office soon!" Lizzy was beyond excited. Now at almost 8 weeks pregnant, it was time for her first ultrasound where the thing in her belly would actually look like a baby. "We're going to get to see our Peanut for the first time," she grinned, leaning against the wall and waiting for him. They were going to be able to hear the heartbeat and see their tiny baby on screen. She knew it wasn't going to look anything like a baby at this point, but she was still excited. "Oh! And we need to get a baby naming book so we can decide what we're going to call Peanut when he or she is born. Though Peanut Tharp has a lovely ring to it," she laughed.

"Yeah, sweetie, we'll grab one," Hunter called back to his wife. Grabbing a sweatshirt out of the closet, he pulled it on, smiling to himself. Like Lizzy, he was really excited about getting to see their little Peanut. It made him giddy just thinking about it. Thundering down the stairs, he grinned at her. "We'll have to ask the doctor when we will be able to find out if it's a boy or a girl, that'll really help. You excited?" He said, walking over to her and kissing her tenderly and moving his hand down to rub her belly gently.

"I'm so excited! Look!" she grinned as he came down, lifting her shirt a little and turning to the side. "I noticed today, I'm starting to get a little belly!" she beamed, running her hand down to caress the small bump. "I mean I know it's nothing huge, but still something right?" she smiled.

Hunter beamed as she lifted her shirt up. It was indeed small, but he could most definitely see where her stomach was starting to protrude ever so slightly. Crouching down, he peppered her little bump lightly with kisses before standing up, giving Lizzy a kiss as well. He squeezes her hand softly as they walk outside, hailing a cab and opening the door when it pulled up in front of them.

"I'm excited about the bump getting bigger" she smiled, "I already find myself touching it all the time," she blushed as she looked down to realize that her hand was on her belly as she spoke.

"I love putting my hand there too. I can't wait to feel kicks there" a small blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"Aw, that's sweet. I bet Peanut loves feeling Daddy too. My mom told me the baby can hear sounds at 18 weeks, so in 10 weeks Peanut will be able to hear us," she smiled.

"And when Peanut can hear us that means we can start singing," Hunter said, a smile crossing his face as he looked over at her briefly.

"I know you've been dying to do that." He beamed upon feeling her hand on his thigh.

"I guess I just want him or her to know my voice, you know?" he blushed shyly.

"Our baby will be spoiled with all my Broadway favorites," she giggled, smiling at him they drove down the NYC streets. They got out of the cab and went inside, sitting in the waiting room for a few minutes before the nurse brought them inside. She instructed Lizzy to lie down on the bed, adjusting the back so she was propped up to an almost sitting position.

"The doctor should be with you soon," she said with a smile before she left, leaving Lizzy and Hunter alone.

Hunter grinned over at her as he anxiously paced the room. This was the first time he was going to be seeing their baby, their little Peanut, so he thinks that he should have a right to be nervous and a little anxious as well. Looking to the wall at her words, he smiles pointing to one. "Look, baby. Peanut is only about the size of a large peanut right now. Ironic, huh?" she remarked.

"Well I guess we picked the perfect nickname for our little Peanut," said Hunter walking over to her and pecking her forehead, making her giggle, as the doctor walked in.

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