#1 The Journey Begins

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Frisk had to find someone to love her. And if it wasn't going to be on the surface, she would find it else where.
She had heard many stories of Mt. Ebbot. The stories that say monsters were trapped down there, never to be freed. But she hoped she could free one soul. She would free it with her love.

Climbing the mountain didnt seem like a bad idea at the time, but almost an hour later after she had started climbing, she regreted her decision. But that didn't bother too much because she was filled with DETERMINATION.
About another hour passed before she got to the top. It did not take long before she found the entrance to the world underground.

She peered down the hole. It was not like she expected. 'couldn't the monsters just build some sort of latter to climb out?' Frisk thought.
She got a little closer to the hole. When she realized she was a little to close for comfort, she felt the ground move. "Uh oh" Frisk said aloud.

The earth crumbled under her feet and took her with it underground. Her heart skipped a beat. She felt her stomach form a knot as she fell into the darkness before her.

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