#4 The Walk

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Toriel lead Frisk and Sans down the stairs in the front room. Frisk comes up to a tall purple door. Toriel opens it up a little.
"I promise that as soon as I have the guest room properly set up and have enough food for more than one old women, I will come get you and we will live together" Toriel says, giving a gentle smile.
"Aww come on Tori, she'll be fine at my place". Sans says.
"I know. And your sure your ok with this Frisk?"
"Yah of course, why wouldn't I be. Its not like I just fell down a strange hole, almost died, then told I have to live with a skeleton. Yup totally ok". Frisk gives a weak smile.
There was a moment of silence, until Toriel broke it.
"Oh I knew this was a bad idea. How about you stay in my room Frisk and I can sleep on the couch". Toriel said in a panicky voice.
"Nonono, that's not what I meant. I. Ugh. I was joking. Of course I can stay with...
Sans, was it?" Frisk said, looking at Sans.
"Jeez, you basicly live at my house and you can barely remeber my name" Sans chukled.
"Sorry" Frisk apologized.
"Nothin' to worry about, kid" sans replyed. "Welp, we should get going if we wanna make it before it gets dark".
Toriel opens the door the rest of the way and steps aside to let Frisk and Sans pass through. Frisk quickly thanks Toriel and heads over to walk next to Sans. It was a bit of silence at first, but Frisk decided to break the ice. (Get it... Cuz their in snowdin... And there is ice there... Buddum tsss)
"Soooo how did you do that?" Frisk asks without thinking to much about what she said.
"Do what?"
"How did you teleport?"
"Oh well... I call 'em 'shortcuts'. And its a bit complicated, but long story short, it mostly has to do with folding space and a bunch of other sciency things. But all I remember is that I have always been able to do it"
"Oh. Can all monsters do that?"
"Nah, I dont think so. Heh, I could only imagine what Tori would do with shortcuts. I would still be sitting outside that door when we heard your scream".
"Yeaaah, I was kinda talkin' to Tori just outside that door when we heard a scream deep within the ruins. So I grabbed Tori and took a shortcut to the source. Thats when we saw that weed attack you."
"Oh w-well th-th-thank you f-for that".
"Hey, you al'right kid?"
Frisk hadn't noticed how cold she was until sans asked.
"A-ah, I g-guess I'm a l-l-little c-cold" Frisk shivered.
"Oh shoot, sorry. Temperature doesn't really affect skeletons. Uhh here"
Sans stops and takes off his jacket. All he is wearing underneath is a plain white T-shirt with a couple of faded stains. He hands it over to Frisk. Frisk takes it and slips it over her arms. It was soft and smelled of ketchup.
"Thanks" Frisk said, feeling warmer already.
"No problem"
They walk a little bit more in silence, but this time sans breaks it.
"So why did you fall down here? Or was it an accident?" Sans questions.
"Oh well" Frisk pauses "To be honest... I was kind of lonely on the surface. So I came down here to find someone who could..... Frisk trailed off. She didn't really want to tell sans exactly why she was down here. Because last time she did, the thing she told almost killed her.
"Wow. Out of all the humans that have fallen down here, that is the strangest reason I have ever heard" Sans grinned with one of his non-existent eyebrow raised.
Frisk bowed her head, staring at her feet. She new it was silly, but she didn't expect someone to say it strait to her face. Sans seemed to have noticed this.
"Hey c'mon, I was just kidding. You dont have to be so cold about it".
Sans's pun seemed to have cheered Frisk up a little. But why it did? She didn't know.
"Hey look" sans looked away from Frisk. "We are here".
Frisk looked up to see a house that seemed to be two stories high. And to the corner of her eye, she saw two mailboxes. One was full of letters and the other one was empty.
"Did you say someone else lived here?"
"Oh ya. My bro does. His names Papyrus. And don't worry, he won't hurt you".
Sans walks up to the front door and opens it. Frisk followed him in and before she could even analyse what the inside of the house looked like, she heard someone speak.
"Sans! Were have you be- Oh who's this?"
Frisk looks up at the stairs to see a skeleton much taller than sans, who was wearing a bright red scarf. Frisk realizes that she had put up the hood on sans's jacket when her ears got cold. She pulls down the hood to reveal her face.

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