#8 I Cant Think Of A Name

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Frisk has been living with sans and Papyrus for about a week and a half now. She had grown accustom to their ways of living. Well its not like she could disagree with them, they are letting her stay at their house.

Every morning she would wake up to Papyrus cooking breakfast, which was always spaghetti. Sometimes frisk would eat the spaghetti, but most of the time sans would take her out to grillby's to eat.

Ah! Well, he would take her out. He just went with her to get food. That's it!

Then after breakfast she would go out to meet other monsters. Of course sans went with her on these journeys after the 'incident' the other day. But after a while she did meet Undyne, a fish lady who was part of the royal guard. And after a bit of warming up to her, she got Undyne to teach her some defense. Which did come in handy a few times, sadly. Frisk didn't like having to fight monsters, but she didn't like getting hurt either. So fighting was her only option. Besides, it was either dodging monsters until they gave up or having sans almost kill them.

Anyway, she had just gotten done eating her waffle at grillby's and was going to head out.

"Thanks for the food sans, see you later." she said getting down from the bar stool.

"hey, is it ok if I join you today? today is my day off at work so I thought I would tag along. If that's ok with you" sans asked.

"Sans. You don't actually work. It wouldn't make a difference if you came with me or not." Frisk glared at sans.

Sans cheeks turned a light blue color and he looked away from Frisk.

"oh, I uh, whatever. I just wanted to... to hang with you" sans face got even more blue.

"Aww, how sweet" Frisk batted her eyelashes. "Alright then, let's go"

"So were are we headed to first?" sans questioned.

"Metteton wanted me to come by the lab for some help on trying out some new clothes he got."

"Why does he need help with that?"

"I'm not sure, but there was no reason to say no"

"Well we are just gunna half to address that situation then"


(Time skip brought to you by my burning hate for this book)

"Frisk, darling! Your here" Metteton bent down to hug Frisk. "And sans" he said with a little disgust in his voice.

"Good to see you too" sans waved.

"Well, doesn't make a difference" Metteton led Frisk to his dressing room. "Come on, we have much work to do."

Frisk sat down while Metteton opened a big dresser full of colorful outfits.

"so" sans stepped in the room "why do you need Frisk to try on your outfits?" Sans asked.

"Because I wanted them to see how they looked on other people before I put them in my shop. See, I'm opening up a clothing store." Metteton said.

"Really? That's awesome" Frisk said delighted.

"Mhm. Now go try this on dear" Metteton handed Frisk a purple sleeveless dress.

After about an hour later, sans was asleep on the couch, and there was a decently big pile of dresses that would be thrown out because they were 'not quite' what Metteton wanted.

"Ok darling, one more dress" Metteton handed Frisk a dress but it was being protected by black bag so Frisk couldn't see it. It must be important.

Frisk stepped inside a dressing room and opened the bag. It was a gorgeous white wedding dress. It was layered and had pearls dancing across the fabric. It was beautiful.

Frisk carefully slipped it on. She turned and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Wow" she whispered to herself.

She unlocked the door and stepped out.

"Hmm." Metteton circled around Frisk and stopped in the back. He kneeled down to do some work with a needle.

Frisk looked up to see sans awake and with a skull that was half blue.

"wow kid" sans leaned back "you look good"

Frisk fake gasped. "Sans!? Are you saying I don't always look good!?

"w-what no. I mean, you do look good all the time. I just mean you look better right now. n-not that you don't look better that good all the time either. i just... uhh-"

"Sans, I was kidding" Frisk giggled.

"Alright darling" Metteton stood up "That's all. Go change and you can head home."

Frisk quickly, but carefully, got undressed and put on her regular clothes.

"Bye darling, thank you for helping" Metteton said.

"it was no problem Metta. anytime" sans smirked.

"Ugh" Metteton sighed.

Sans and Frisk started their journey home. It was silent, but comfortable. Until Frisk started to shiver. She forgot her coat at home. How could she be so stupid. She lived in a town called snowdin, and she forgot to wear a coat.

"hey kid, you cold." Sans asked.

"No shivering is just what I do when I'm bored. Yes I'm cold." Frisk replied.

"Here" sans pulled off his jacket and handed it to her.

"Déjà vu, huh" Frisk said slipping on his jacket.

"Heh, that seemed so long ago"

"It was only like a week" Frisk laughed.

Soon they neared their house. Sans opened the door and waited for Frisk to step in. When she did she saw Papyrus sitting at the table with Toriel.

"Toriel!" Frisk ran into the monster's arms

"Hello my child." Toriel smiled.

"hey tori. how's it goin" sans.

"It is going just fine sans" Toriel replied. " Frisk, I have some good news. I have gotten everything ready at my house, so now you can come live with me" Toriel said.

"Really? That's great." Frisk cheered.

"Yes it is. Now go gather your things my child."

Frisk hurries upstairs to sans room and grabbed only a couple of things that she had gathered over the week. She ran downstairs and got ready to go.

"Thank you again sans, for letting her stay with you"

"Ah it was not problem tori"

"Ok Frisk, you ready"

"Mhm" Frisk nodded.

"Alright then. Let's get going" Toriel led Frisk to the door.

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