chapter 09

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The next day, Scarlett had been taking care of the shop

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The next day, Scarlett had been taking care of the shop. She wanted it to be filled with flowers when her mother came home the next day so they would be able to sell some beautiful bouquets of flowers again, like old times. She was sure it would lift Elizabeth's spirit and she would have to thank the Shelby family for their help as well.

She had been able to strike a partnership with the Morganson family who ran the flower stand on the market. Scarlett and her mother would make some bouquets they could sell on the market every day if the Morgansons would make sure their shop would be filled with flowers every day. That way, they would be able to both earn out of the deal. All the hard negotiations though had exhausted her and after dinner Scarlett decided to head to bed early. Only wearing her black, silk slip dress Scarlett went to bed – pulling the blankets over her and drifted off to sleep soon enough. Unfortunately, her sleep didn't last long. A hard, quick pounding came from her front door, waking her from her sleep. Scarlett groaned but got up anyway. She pulled her silk robe from the chair it had been laying on and pulled it around her body, hiding her very much exposed body from whoever was behind the door. Just to be sure, she grabbed the revolver from the drawer in the living room for safety.

"Who is it?" she called, hoping they would answer.

After a moment of silence, there was an answer. "It's me", she heard him.

Scarlett let out a breath of relief, put the gun back before turning the nob and pulling the door open. Thomas was leaning against the doorframe, his coat, peaky cap and hair soaking wet from the rain outside. The redhead just smirked and shook her head in amusement. It wasn't the first time Tommy showed up on her doorstep at this hour. He had done it many times before. She recognized the look on his face and the darker shade of blue in his eyes.

"You know, you're lucky my mother isn't here right now or she would have run after you with a broom for standing at our door this late", Scarlett said with a small smile while allowing him to step inside. Tommy didn't say anything though. He just pulled his peaky cap off his head, shrugged off his coat and sat down at the kitchen table. He pulled the whiskey bottle towards him and poured some into the glass standing next to it, not caring it had been used. Scarlett placed herself in the seat next to him in silence. She allowed him to poor himself two more glasses before taking it away when he tried to go for a third. Then, he huffed and finally looked up at her. "What's going on, Tommy? Talk to me", she whispered softly.

Tommy knew he didn't have to answer. Scarlett wasn't the kind of person that would pressure you to. But then again, he came here for company. He wanted to talk and Scarlett had always been there for him before. "I needed company", he answered. "I went to the Garrison first, but the barmaid wasn't any good. So, I came here. Besides, you're the best company any miserable man can wish for, right?"

Scarlett didn't answer directly. She just handed the bottle back to Tommy while standing up from her seat. She quickly walked into the kitchen, grabbed a clean glass before returning. She put her clean glass next to his then and Tommy was quick to catch on. He poured her a reasonable glass before putting it back onto the middle of the table.

When We Were Young » Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now