Under the Stars

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Would you do a Theo imagine? He's in love with the reader but the reader is too scared to trust him


"I'm just not sure Lydia, I mean, look at what he's done to the pack" I tell Lydia over the phone, getting ready for the date she set up for me.

"Oh come on Y/N, you were excited about it this morning" she stated.

"Yeah, before you told me it was Theo, he's betrayed everyone before, how else was I supposed to react?" Lydia set me up on a date and just happened not to tell me his name until an hour before. She swears he's changed but I'll believe it when I see it.

I continued to get ready, only because it was too late to cancel. I'll admit Theo is attractive, but trustworthiness isn't exactly what he's known for.

I finished getting ready with minutes to spare. The jeans I was wearing hugged my curves just right, and I slipped my second boot on just before the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find a very well dressed Theo standing in front of me. The soft blue button up contrasted from his dark leather jacket, making his eyes shimmer.

"Hey, you ready to go?" he smiled.

"Yeah, let me just get my bag" I replied, grabbing the bag off the side table next to the door. As we approached his car, he dashed in front of me to open the passenger side door for me. "Thank you" I half-whispered as I got into the car.

"He's being unusually nice to me.." I thought as we drove down the road. We sat in comfortable silence until we pulled up to the outlook. From there, you could see the entire city.. It was my favorite place in all of Beacon Hills. I gathered my things as Theo ran to open my door again.

"I thought we could have a picnic up here and watch the stars" he said, as I helped him spread a blanket over the open patch of earth. We sat and ate as we watched the city buzz. The sun was starting to go down, temperature dropping and stars coming into sight. We moved closer and closer to each other until finally we were under the same blanket, his arm around my shoulders, watching the stars.

My happiness turns to paranoia as my insecurity creeps up again. I can't trust him. I shouldn't trust him. He's betrayed everyone I love, why wouldn't he do it to me too? Maybe the only reason he's getting close to me is to get to the pack. I wouldn't put it past him, he's done it before.. But why me? Am I the weakest link?

The thoughts whirling around in my head almost prevented me from hearing Theo as he spoke.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" he asked, seeing the anxious look on my face.

I took a deep breath before answering him. "Why am I out here Theo? Why are you out here with me?" I asked, trying to prepare myself for his reply.

"What do you mean? I like you, that's why I'm out here" he replied, confusion lacing his words.

He must've seen the frightened look on my face, because the next thing he said was: "Look, I know I haven't treated your pack the way I should've, and I certainly didn't treat you right either, but I've changed. I'm not that kind of person anymore. A person like you deserves the world, and I want to give it to you.. If you'll let me".

I want to believe him, I really do. The last thing I want to do is not believe him, but something in my heart isn't letting me.

"He's apologizing to you Y/N"  I thought.

Almost as if he can see the thoughts in my head, he takes my hands in his.

"I'm sorry Y/N, for everything I did.. And even if you don't want to be with me you still need to know. Know that I love you" he said; his voice showing so much emotion.

The words he spoke brought me out of my own mind.. "You what?" I asked, voice soft.

My eyes met his, as he told me once more. "I love you".

He loves me.

Not even seconds after the words left his mouth, my lips were on his. His hands tangled in my hair as the kiss continued.

"I think Lydia deserves a present after this" I whisper, our faces still close together, noses touching.

He let out a small giggle as I admired him.

I could listen to that sound forever.

Theo Raeken ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now