I Believe (ft brother!Stiles)

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could you do an imagine where the reader is stiles' younger sister (by 2 years) and she is secretly in love with theo. stiles had just gotten into an argument with theo because he doesn't trust him being around the pack, then afterwards when stiles leaves the reader confesses that she doesn't see theo as an evil person and that she likes him

*warning: swearing??


The pack meeting was going like normal until about twenty minutes ago. Right as everyone was brainstorming ideas of how to save the city, Theo showed up. You could feel the change of mood in the room as he waltzed in, my heart swelling. Everyone made him out to be such a bad guy, when really, now, he wanted to help. He'd pleaded with Scott to give him a chance but that ended with Scott walking out of the room to go "think". And now we're here. Stiles yelling at Theo with such fire in his eyes, crimson covering his cheeks, and arms crossed angrily in front of him.

"How the hell do you expect us to trust you after all the shit you've pulled, huh? How?" snapped Stiles, venom in his voice. The room was quiet for a second as everyone turned their heads away, trying to act as if they hadn't heard a thing. Theo stood in defeat, his voice low and sorrowful.

"I don't know" he replied, in almost a whisper. Theo's shoulders sank, keeping his eyes on the floor. "We can't" Stiles retorted, "and we never will". Without another word, Theo turned and left, his dejected figure disappearing out the door and into the dark night. I couldn't help when my eyes began to sting with tears. He just wanted to help.

The meeting didn't last much longer after Theo left, everyone was ready to free themselves from the awkward atmosphere that is currently still in the livingroom. I'd never seen Stiles so angry, not at me, not at anybody. As our friends piled into their cars to leave, I began cleaning up the snack bowl, drinks littering the room and escaping to the kitchen where my tears could flow without witness.

I threw the dishes into the sink without care as I gripped onto the counter, focusing on not being loud enough for Stiles to hear from the other room. Apparently I hadn't done such a great job because before I knew it, he came through the doorway behind me. He asked me what was wrong and my response was delayed. I took a deep breath and wiped the stray tears from my face before turning to him, giving him the best fake smile I could muster.

"I'm fine" I lied, trying to avoid eye contact. His eyes examined me for a second as he stayed silent. I took the opportunity to slip past him, or at least I tried. He grabbed my arm and I spun around to face him once again "I told you I'm fine".

"Bullshit you're fine. What's wrong Y/N?". I tried to keep up the smile on my face but the mask began to crack, tears recurrently spilled from my eyes. "You wouldn't understand Stiles, now let me go" I spat.

"Try me" he replied agitated, and still not releasing my arm from his grip. With every passing second, I became more and more angry at the familiar face in front of me. How could he possibly understand how it feels to love someone that everyone around is constantly degrading? I looked into Stiles' eyes one more time before forcefully tearing my arm from his hand. "I love him Stiles, okay? I love Theo and what you said to him tonight wasn't fair and you know it" I shouted before grabbing my coat and slamming the front door behind me, leaving my brother speechless and alone in the hall.

I got in my car and drove as fast as I could, tears still falling from my tired eyes. I racked my brain for where Theo could possibly be, before heading towards the edge of town. About twenty minutes later I pulled my car to the side of the road and parked. As I walked down the path, the crisp autumn leaves fell from the trees above me and crunched under my feet. I came to the end of the path and the view was breathtaking. The cliffs overlooking the city was my favorite place to be, and when I told Theo, it soon became his favorite too. The dark night sky sprinkled with stars, the cool autumn air, and the faint sounds from the city was the perfect place to come and think.

I stood alone for a few minutes, calming myself down from what had happened minutes earlier, as I heard the gravel and leaves rustling behind me. A discouraged Theo came to my side and we stood in silence. A few minutes past before either of us spoke. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice low and vulnerable. I turned to look at him and took his hands in mine. "I'm here for you, Theo. I'll always be here for you" I replied, bringing one of my hands to his soft cheek.

I could see the relief in his eyes, with a hint of surprise. "I thought you wouldn't believe me" he confessed in a whisper, "I was so scared you wouldn't believe me". His strapping arms wrapped around my waist as I brought my arms around his neck. "I've always believed you" I whispered into his neck. We stood in our embrace for what seemed like hours before I pulled my head back to look at him once more. My breath hitched as I glanced down to his plump pink lips and back up to his eyes. He gave me a soft smile before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was long-lived and passionate; after pulling away from each other, a soft blush came across both of our faces. "No one's ever believed in me this much before" he said with a small laugh, his smile shining. "Oh don't worry, I believe in you much more than that" I replied, giving him a wink.

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