Never Stop

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: Hii 💖 Can you please do from the prompt list the number 2, 5, 7, 52 with Theo Raeken with a happy ending? Thank you very much! 💕

2. "I love you, I knew it the minute I met you."

5. "I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday."

7. "Loving you kept me alive."

52. "I never thought it was possible to love someone too much, but maybe it is."

*I changed #52 a bit, hope you don't mind!

Warnings: swearing


My brain hurt. I mean, literally, hurt. I'd just spent the last hour and a half in AP Calculus and the equations were whirling through my head, going a thousand miles a minute. I don't know how Lydia does it. She can sit in class and understand everything right away, while I sit in the back scribbling down notes as fast as I can. Unfortunately for me, this means that most of my Friday nights were spent late in the library of Beacon Hills High. In fact, that's where I'm headed right now instead of going home like a normal kid.

I walked reluctantly down the hallway, trying not to drop all my notes as hundreds of other students filled the halls, ready to start their weekends. I was almost to the library when a kid jammed me with his shoulder, sending me straight into the set of lockers to my right. Luckily I didn't hit anyone, but when the open locker in front of me closed, my stomach dropped. There in front of me stood the most gorgeous green eyed boy I'd ever laid eyes on. Theo looked at me with surprise and a slight smirk.

"You finally come to accept my dinner offer?" he teased, eyeing me up and down.

"You wish Raeken" I retorted with a grin. The students rushed by so quickly, it looked like a highway. I guess I'll just have to stay here and talk to Theo until things slow down. What a shame.

"Oh c'mon Y/N, you know you'd love it. What do I have to do? Recite some sappy movie quotes to you?" he said, still smiling. I raised my eyebrows at him in response. I didn't take Theo for the romantic movie type. "I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday" he recited, hands moving as he spoke over-dramatically. I smiled at him and gave a small laugh. Noticing the lack of rushing students in the hallway I figured it was time to actually get to studying.

"The Notebook, Theo? Really? I think you can do better than that" I said before walking away from him, looking back to see him smiling at me as I entered the library.

A few hours later, my eyes began to droop and the words on the page in front of me became blurry. I yawned and stretched out my arms before dropping the heavy books into my bag. My keys jingled in my hand as the cool autumn breeze hit my face as I walked outside. The sky was getting dark and red and orange leaves scattered the pavement. My car was one of the only ones in the parking lot, so thankfully it wasn't hard to find. All I wanted right now was to be in my bed, causing me to walk a little faster to my car. The string on my keychain broke due to my speed and my keys tumbled onto the asphalt. I sighed heavily before bending down to pick them up, when all of a sudden all I could see was black.

My eyes slowly fluttered open, and my head was pounding. It took a minute for me to remember what had happened, and that I didn't recognize my surroundings. My arms and legs were duct taped together as I sat on the floor of what looked like an old warehouse. The shelves on the walls were empty, the lightbulbs in the fixtures were broken, and metal door was rusted. The smell of blood grabbed my attention as I felt around to find the source of it. There was a needle mark on my neck that had blood around it, that son of a bitch drugged me.

I sat in silence for what seemed like hours, trying to find something to cut myself free. I found a scrap piece of metal in the corner and tried to release my legs when I heard voices outside, causing me to only saw away at the tape faster.

Theo POV

Thoughts of Y/N drifted through my head as I continued to run down the cracked sidewalks of Beacon Hills. The fall leaves cracked under my feet and the soft breeze ran through me. I ran without any destination, just trying to clear my mind. Turns out, my destination was Beacon Hills High, conveniently where Y/N was the last time I talked to them. I slowed my pace and eventually stopped in front of the parking lot. Was that Y/N's car? What time is it?

I checked my watch before jogging over to the only car left in the lot. It's way too late for them to still be here. I walked around to the driver's side door when I stepped on something hard. I moved my foot over to find a set of keys lying on the ground, Y/N's scent all over them. I looked around, but there was no sign of them, making my heart drop. I could only assume the worst had happened, and began to follow the scent. I can't lose Y/N.

I'd been tracking the scent for about an hour, which led me to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. I don't recognize the dark SUV parked outside but at this point I didn't really care. Y/N was in there and I was going to get them back.

I took a deep breath before extending my claws and showing my teeth, ready for a fight. I busted open the old wooden door to find unsurprisingly in front of me, a hunter. His plaid shirt and shot gun didn't scare me, but I can sure scare him. "You know, if you wanted me to kick your ass, you could've just asked instead of kidnapping my friend" I told him, smirking.

"Oh we both know they're more than a friend" he replied, smirk dropping from my face. "You never thought it was possible to love someone too much, but maybe it is. You're the only reason they're here. What you are, is the only reason they're here. You did this to them".

His words made my blood boil. I was here to save Y/N, not hurt them. The anger became too much for me as I charged towards the man. We struggled for control until I grabbed the shotgun out of his hands and struck him with it. I quickly took the keys from his pocket and unlocked the rusty door behind us.


The duct tape wasn't budging as I tried harder and harder to saw through it. The sound of voices outside the door only made me more anxious as I tried to find another piece of metal. I searched the floor frantically until I heard a struggle from outside. I waited for my kidnapper and probably his accomplice to come through the door but they never came. Instead, I heard the struggle end with a loud thud, and then silence. The jingle of keys made my heart race once again as I held onto the old piece of metal even harder. If he was coming in here, I was going to fight.

I heard the click of the lock and prepared myself for the worst. The large tarnished door began to open, and a single tear fell from my eyes. I wasn't prepared for what I saw. Theo. The breath I was holding released and the metal piece fell from my hands. He ran over to me and broke me from my restraints, then took my hands in his and looked into my eyes. We sat there in silence for a moment until he spoke. "Let's get you home".

Theo shielded me from seeing the man in the other room and started to walk with me back to the school. We walked slowly under the stars and streetlights in silence, the only noise coming from passing cars the next street over and the faint whistle of the wind. The crisp autumn leaves broke under our feet, as neither one of us spoke of what had happened only moments before. I felt like he wanted to say something, but nothing came from his lips. The softness of the streetlights made the features of his face almost glow. Why had he come for me? I marveled up at him until he caught me staring, and gave me a small smile.

We both returned our focus to the sidewalk in front of us, but questions still filled my head. I decided after a while that I was tired of the silence. I turned to face him, but he was already looking at me, his green eyes already locked with mine. "Why'd you come find me?" I asked in a whisper, almost afraid of his answer. He broke eye contact with me and his gaze shifted to the ground below. It took a few minutes before he spoke again, "Because I love you, I knew it the minute I met you" he replied, voice just as low as mine. I stopped walking and turned to him, his gaze still on the ground. I took his hands in mine, causing him to look at me. The tears in my eyes began to well up as I brought my right hand to Theo's face, slowly bringing his lips to mine. He brought his hands to cup my cheeks and when the kiss finally broke, with our foreheads together I told him: "Loving you kept me alive".

"Then never stop loving me" he whispered, before bringing his lips back to mine.

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