Never Be Afraid

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Anon: can you write an imagine where y/n is dating theo and they're trapped in the library and y/n sees theo fight another wolf and he has to explain what she saw cus she didn't know he was a wolf

I don't know how long other schools keep their libraries open for so I asked a friend, I thought I'd be weird if he was kickin' another wolf's ass in the middle of the school day, ya know?


Staying late in the library has been a frequent occurrence the past few day. Midterms were coming up and if I didn't pass, my grade would drop dangerously low.. I've been accompanied by Theo by past couple nights; we'd silently sit together and flip through pages, helping the other if they needed it, secretly stealing glances while the other wasn't looking.

We'd been here for hours, and my eyelids became heavy. The soft golden lights from the  lamps were aiding in my sleepiness as the smell of old books filled my head. I was snapped out of my almost slumber when my phone buzzed from across the table.

"Crap, it's almost 8, we should go" I said, reaching for my phone while checking the time.

"Yeah you're probably right". We shut all the books scatters around the table and started packing away our things. I swung my bag over my shoulder and took our pile of books back over to the shelves. I heard the doors open and I peeked my head around the shelf and saw Theo tense up. He glanced back to me and and moved his hand, gesturing me to stay where I was. Confused, I stayed behind the shelf, peering through the spaces in the books. I couldn't see who was standing in front of Theo, but I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"I told you to stop looking into me, Theo. I did. It's a shame you didn't, now I have to show you what happens to those who don't listen" the man said, voice deep and unkind. My heart dropped as he spoke, who is that? What does he want with Theo?

I watched as Theo's fists curled, his knuckles turning white, as a growl escaped his lips. Wait, did Theo just growl?

The next thing I know, Theo pounces forward, out of my sight. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around myself as I slid to the cold floor. As I curled my knees to my chest, the noises I was hearing were making it impossible for me to keep calm. My whole body began to shake as tears rolled down my cheeks. A sharp whimper filled my ears, making me flinch before a silence fell over the room. After a few moments of quiet, I finally mustered up enough courage to speak.

"Theo?" I whispered, wiping the remaining tears from my cheeks. Before I could speak again, a limping Theo rounded the corner. His hand holding a bleeding gash on his side, eyes weary, and walking with a slight limp. The tears flooded my eyes once more at the sight of him.

"We need to go" he muttered. I scrambled to his side as we quickly made our way to the door. I helped him through the dim hallways and through the dark parking lot, where I placed him in the passenger seat of my car as fast as I could without injuring him further.

The entire ride to my house was quiet, except the sharp inhales of breath from Theo everytime the road got uneven. After what seemed like hour of speeding through the winding roads of Beacon Hills, I pulled into my driveway and ushered him up to my bathroom.

I sat him on the edge of the sink and I frantically looked for my first aid kit. C'mon Y/N, it has to be around here somewhere. I rummaged through my bathroom cabinet as quickly as I could, trying not to let the tears from my eyes spill onto my cheeks.

"Y/N" Theo said calmly as he grabbed my wrist, making me turn to him, "I'm fine". The words didn't register in my brain and my hands still shook.

"Look" he said, holding up his blood soaked shirt, "I'm fine, really". But-but how could he be okay? I watched him bleed. He was hurt.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I ran my hand over where the deep wound was, now fully healed, not a scratch left behind. My mind was spinning and I started to feel dizzy, when his hand came to my shoulders.

"There's something I need to tell you" he explained, "well, it might be easier if I just showed you". His hands came down to meet mine as he bowed his head. When his eyes rose to mine, they weren't the same. They were.. glowing? The rest of his face came into view, and I ran my hand down his cheek. His k9 teeth were longer, and as I brought his hand up to meet mine, short clean nails turned to dark long claws. I stood in awe as the boy I loved changed right before my eyes.

"Don't be afraid, Y/N, I'd never hurt you" he said quietly, voice almost shaking.

"I could never be afraid of you" I replied, leaning down to place a soft kiss against his cheek. I would never be afraid, as long as I was with him.

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