Chains (Part 1)

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this was the only gif close to what i wanted ok bare with me here

Request: @redstringlovers: can you do an imagine with theo and reader where like maybe they have been dating for a while and he wants to propose to her so he plans out this really sweet evening and stuff? Thanks😘Sammie I love you so very much but I took your request and fucked it up. I'm coming back from my hiatus and hitting y'all with a two-parter. This is not what you asked for but it's halloween month bitches, so it's time to get spooky. If you wanna get even spookier with it, you can go listen to these songs on youtube: and

*this is also very loosely inspired from a scene in Penny Dreadful

*also I have no idea what kind of "creature" my villain is ok he's just kind of a jumbled mess


Darkness. Darkness was all I saw when my eyes fluttered open. My head tipped upwards from where it was hanging in front of me to try to observe my surroundings but proved unsuccessful. The muscles in my shoulders ached as the chains around my wrists did nothing but tighten each time I tried to maneuver out of them. The cold chain swiping my back along with the shadowy surrounding gave me chills. Moonlight began to shine from the cracked skylight above, illuminating the otherwise dark and dank room. The stone of the walls beginning to chip and the grimy floor covered in what I could only imagine to be dirt and dried blood.

The stink of mold clouded my head as I tried to think of what had happened before I was brought here. The last thing I remember was being at home. I don't think I was doing anything particularly important, but I don't remember much after.. Wait- as I put myself back in that moment, I began to see flashes. My brows furrowed as I tried to concentrate. I saw myself back at home, putting my textbooks back in my bag as he grabbed me. The chains on my wrists pulled but didn't budge as I tried to call out to her, but they were gone. His dark cloak wrapped around her body and the vision disappeared just as fast as it had come. Tears fell from my eyes as I tried to settle my heavy breathing. I couldn't see him in the moment but he was there. He took me from my home.

The sound of leaden footsteps coming from behind the old wooden door made my heart race as I held my breath. The footsteps stopped in front of the door, and I saw the shadow of feet in the low moonlight. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, the door handle began to turn, and the creek of the run-down door made my spine crawl.

The slight moonlight casted shadows upon his face, his eyes sunken and jaw sharp. He entered the room slowly with a small, enigmatic smile. "Finally, you're awake." he said, while circling around the room. He stopped in the far corner to the right of me, still making sure that he was still in my eyeline. His persian blue eyes, illuminated by moonlight, locked onto me as I sat in a defiant silence. His eyebrow raised slightly when he realized that I had intended to keep silent so long as I was being held captive. "I didn't bring you here to hurt you Y/N" he spoke, pushing his body off of the wall and walking behind the chair I was chained to. He leaned his head over my shoulder, and I turned my head away before he whispered softly in my ear. "I want you to join me" he said. My head snapped back in his direction, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Join him? Hell of a recruiting technique.

He returned to towering over me before beginning to circle the room again. His hands joined behind his back, the same dark cloak from before draped over his shoulders, and silver hair almost glowing in the low light. "Join me Y/N and you can finally use your abilities like they were intended" he told me, with a small smile, "that so called "pack" doesn't appreciate what you can do. You're just as powerful as they are, if not more so, and you don't even have to sprout fur".

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