Chains (Part 2)

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*i can't remember if theo can hear heartbeats, but if he can't then he can now ok deal with it

Warnings: swearing

Theo's POV

The crisp autumn breeze blew as I walked up the front steps towards Scott's house. I'd received a frantic text from Mason not twenty minutes earlier calling a pack meeting at the McCall residence. I knocked on the door only once before it opened quickly in front of me. As I stepped into the living room, I noticed everyone was already there. The text said 3 o'clock, so I know I couldn't be late but the way everyone's head turned slowly to look at me with worry in their eyes made my heart race. My eyes darted to Mason, who stood at the front of the room, palms rubbing together anxiously.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice low and eyes wide. I held my breath awaiting his answer, and as I shifted my gaze to others in the room, they would quickly look away.

"It's Y/N... she's gone", he replied in a whisper. At the moment her name came from his lips, my head felt as though it was spinning. My mouth opened to question what he had said but nothing came out. The breath I had been holding was released and the pace of my breathing from then on was heavy. I looked to him in confusion, wondering as to where she could have gone, and who could've taken her there.

Mason recounted what had happened when he arrived at her house earlier that day. The door was left unlocked, the lights were left on, and her car keys were still on the table near the front door. He searched the whole house for her, calling out her name, but got no answer in return. He finally decided to call her phone which lead him to the kitchen table downstairs. Her phone laid on the table along with a few books, but what stuck out the most to him was the papers strewn across the floor, along with the chair pulled out from the table. She'd been there, but where had she gone?

Everyone packed up their things and we headed to Y/N's house. When we arrived, everyone spread out, hoping to find even the smallest bit of a clue leading us to where she'd gone. Malia and Lydia searched upstairs while Scott, Stiles and Liam searched outside, leaving Mason and I alone. We looked around the house in silence for what seemed like forever until I couldn't take it anymore. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, "about Y/N. Everyone knew but me". He turned to look at me, and the despondent look on his face hadn't changed. He quickly broke eye contact and went back to searching before responding. "I didn't want to worry you". My jaw clenched and my knuckles turned white. Worry me? Was he kidding? "It's a little late for that" I spat back at him, forcing myself to leave the room before my anger got the best of me.

I walked down the hallway to the table where she was last. Tears began to fill my eyes as I ran my hands through my hair and took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I step closer and let my fingers run over the pages of the open books on the table, over every crease and corner. Her writing on the pages was almost calming, as if I could hear her voice in my head, reading me every line. The sweetness in her voice practically matched the sweetness in her soul. She'd help anyone in need, but hurt the ones she loved, and she could be as fierce as a lion. Someone like that could never have any affection for me, not after the things I've done, yet the yearning in my heart had not ceased.

The sound of footsteps brought me out of my daze, as I quickly wipe away the stray tear that had fallen from my eye before turning around. Liam came in through the back door and gave me a weak smile before he spoke. "I could hear your heartbeat from all the way outside. Are you okay?". He already knew the answer to that question, so what was the point in asking. I opened my mouth and took a deep breath, placing both of my hands on the table in front of me, and letting my head hang in between my shoulders. He stepped closer to me and placed his right hand on my shoulder. "We're going to find her, you know" he told me, squeezing his hand. We stood there in silence for a few moments before Scott walked through the door: "I found her scent".

After hearing those few words from Scott, the search for Y/N hadn't stopped. We'd followed her scent through the woods, across the city, and finally to the outskirts of town. Standing before us was an old, abandoned brewery, shut down over nearly thirty years ago and never reopened or demolished. The shell of a once beautiful and lively building stared back at us as we approached slowly. Broken glass and rubble covered the floor and the aged brewing kettles stretched from wall to wall, collecting rust. The dim moonlight shone through the windows lining the top of the building, illuminating the catwalks above. The sheer size of the building itself was overwhelming. Y/N's scent was lost outside, and she could be anywhere in here. We decided to split up and look for her, trying to cover more ground.

I turned a corner around a row of rusted brewing kettles when a staircase caught my eye. The spiraling staircase lead down into what appeared to be a wine cellar. Old barrels lined the walls, the smell of mold hitting my nose almost immediately. The dark and damp stone of the ground echoed the tread of my step as I walked along the rows of barrels, each one older than the last. At least, that's what I thought. A barrel at the end of the row looked.. Different, somehow. It looked more polished than all the others. I stepped towards the barrel and brought my hand to it's side to wipe away the little dust it had collected to see the year printed when it.. Moved?

The polished barrel and the shelf it was on along with it, push back into wall, like opening a door. I glanced down at the floor and noticed that dirt had been swept inwards with the door before, meaning I wasn't the only one down here. I leaned my head through the doorway and looked down the dark corridor. The only light came from the occasional lantern hanging on the wall, illuminating the entrance to hallway after hallway. How was I ever going to find her down here?

I began moving down the dimly-lit passageway, and just as I was going to turn down one of the hallways I heard her voice. "No" she stated harshly, grabbing my attention. "No!" she said again, this time with venom in her voice. I quickly follow the direction of her voice, trying to move as quietly as I could with my heart almost beating out of my chest. Her voice fell silent for a few minutes but that didn't stop me from continuing to follow where it had once been. I stopped when I heard the rattle of chains and yet again my heart beat skyrocketed. How dare anyone chain her. My breathing sped when I heard her voice again but my jaw clenched once I heard what she had said "You are cruel".

I tried to concentrate as I listened to Y/N's heartbeat, and whoever else was in that room with her. Whoever it was, the bastard was calm.. Too calm. "No, Y/N, this is kindness. That's what you truly want isn't it? To be normal? To be loved?" The sound of his voice causes my knuckles to turn white until his words register in my head: to be loved. I moved closer to the door as he spoke again: "He doesn't see you now but he will. I can give you a happy life, so long as you stand by my side Y/N". He? By his side? She's not a pet, you asshole. She's powerful. "So what do you say, Y/N?" His words once again made my heart stop. No, no, no, Y/N. I loveyou. I need you. My thoughts rendered me paralyzed as I awaited her reply. She wouldn't agree to anything he said, would she? I was caught up in my own feelings when only a few words cleared my head, and made my heart drop once more:

"Will you join me?".

Writer's Note: HELLO EVERYONE YA GIRL IS BACK A SECOND DAY IN A ROW. I really hope you like part two and would love to hear what y'all think. What do you think is going to happen in part three?

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